(4) Nuisance

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Oh so she's really tryna pick a fight...huh. I watch them walk away and scoff before walking to my next lesson. Stupid school....ugh. I just had the worst encounter with Rebecca and now I've just started a rivalry with her! What am I gonna do once she finds out we're roommates?!?!

I walk into my next class. History. Okay. J
History isn't...too bad. Although this time the seats are different. Instead of individual desks...it's just long tables with seats. I sit down at the end of the row which meant I'd only be sitting next to one person instead on two. I have about 4 minutes until lesson actually starts. I don't really have any friends in this lesson and everyone's in groups talking with each other. I decide to go on my phone hoping no one would snitch on me to the teacher.

I guess I'll just browse through my phone for these 4 minutes. I was going through my phone and someone sat down next to me. I look to my side just to quickly see who it was and it was a blonde boy with glasses. Okay, I don't mean to be stereotypical but he looks like a nerd-

I continue to go on my phone until I get a tap on my shoulder.

"You shouldn't be on your phone darling."

I look to my side and the dude next to me was looking at me. Also, did he just call me darling??

"Why do you care? It's just a phone..."

He narrows his eyes at me and watches me go through my phone. I look at him again and shrug.

"What?? Stop staring..."

"What's your name...?"

His question didn't surprise me. Eh, I'd thought he would ask me that. He seemed like the type to do so.

"Quinn....and what's your name 'darling'?"

I mock him back and he chuckles.

"Ashton, sweetheart..."

I look up at him and stop for a second. Why was I running into all the bullies!!?? Although- this one wasn't being rude? Just....annoying....?

"Ashton? Huh....and your part of the bully group eh?"

He raises his eyebrow and smiles at me.

"Why yes, does that bother you? I wouldn't really say...'bully group'.  More....the hottie group. Being called a bully isn't my forte."

Hottie group?? Well- He's not wrong....BUT they're still all bad!!!

"So why aren't you like the others? Hm?"

He looks away for a second and back at me smirking.

"Am I not? That's nice to hear. I'm just special. They're all a little...rude sometimes. But we're all rude sometimes...right?"

I hated how he was being such a posh smartass. He even had a british accent to top it all off.

"Yeah yeah...I don't care"

He looks at me slightly confused and leans closer to me.

"Did you expect me to be like the others? If you did your completely wrong..."

I looked at him rolling my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Yeah. I did expect you to be like the others. Rude, arrogant, cold, mean and all other shit stuff."

"So you were expecting me to be....'shit'?"

Ugh! Why did he keep saying it like that! So posh for no reason! We're not drinking tea with the Queen alright?! Actually...King- (RIP QUEEN ELIZABETH)

"Can you stop with the posh accent?"

"Darling, this is my real accent? Sorry I'm not speaking rudely. Maybe you should learn from me?"

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