(6) Roommates

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I look at all of them one by one.

"Okay! I'm sorry! Jeez...if you really want me to leave then I will!"

I was about to walk out the room until Dimitri grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"You're not going anywhere."

I look at him in confusion and fear. Is this is? Is this where I die? Oh my god what do I do!

"Why...let me leave."

"No. You're staying here until we're done with you."

He pushes me more into the room and I stumble.

"What the hell dude!? I'm not trying to start anything okay! I don't want to be enemies alright!?"

He scoffs as everyone else chuckles.

"But I want to be enemies. I don't like you. Neither of us do. And what do we do to people we don't like....?"

I stare at him in disbelief. Why were they doing this right now!? What did they want from me!?

"I said I was sorry! Just leave me alone!"

Rebecca grabs my hair from behind and pulls my head a little back.

"Sorry isn't gonna help. You should've taken that all back when I gave you the chance. I let you off just because your new. Don't think I'm doing it again."

She lets me go and the bell rings. It's time for next lesson.

"Saved by the bell."

Dimitri scoffs as they walk out the room leaving me there speechless. What just happened...I also head out the empty classroom as I'm late to my next lesson. I rush through the corridors and get to my lesson. A soon as I walk in, everyone looks at me.

"Quinn Rae Hope, you are 4 minutes late."

"Sorry miss! I was doing something important..."

I walk to my seat. That's when I see Rebecca and Dimitri. They were in my class, again!? They glare at me as I sit down and get my stuff out and place it on the table. The teacher continues on with the lesson and people are either listening or talking. I was writing notes in my book until something hit my head and landed on my desk. It was a scrunched up piece of paper. I look back and see Rebecca and Dimitri snickering as I open the note and it says...


I look back at them and roll my eyes, throwing the piece of paper on the floor and going back to work. They kept throwing piece of paper at me but I ignored it. They did it for almost the whole lesson and it was annoying me so bad. The bell rang and it was time for last period.

I stood up, packed my stuff and was about to walk out the classroom until Dimitri and Rebecca stopped in front of me. They both looked at me for a couple of seconds before giggling and walking off. What was their problem??
I sighed and left the classroom, heading to my last one.

I get there and sit down. Ugh...I just already wanted this day to be over with! But at the same time, I don't because of the roommate situation...why was my life so hardddd!

In my last class, there was Dante and Ashton. I sat down as they both sat on each side of me. This was not gonna be good.

"Oh, didn't see you there sweetheart?"

Ashton says in his stupid british voice. Dante looks at me smirking and speaks.

"Last period...finally. Your probably so relieved right now eh?"

I did not want to talk to them right now. After what happened in the classroom, I do not want to be around them.

"Sort of...I wouldn't say relieved so much..."

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