(3) Rivalry

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I immediately walk away from that awkward and just terrible situation. I get to my next lesson and take my seat as more people whisper about me. I get it. I'm new. Of course they're gonna talk about me. But I don't give a damn.

Cheryl walks in the class and I see her. She's in my lesson! Yes! Finally I have a friend I can talk to and not die of boredom form these dumb lessons.

She notices me and sits in the desk next to me.


"Eek! Your in my lesson! Finallyyyy! Especially since this is double english's-"

Cheryl nods her head and sighs

"I know right?! I would've been so lonely in double english all aloneee. But we're together and that's what I like."

The teacher had just arrived and the bell went. The bell signals for when lesson starts and you should be in your class by then. Everyone sits down in their seats and unpack their stuff. Me and Cheryl do the same as the teacher starts the lesson. It was only about five minutes into lesson until a tall dude with a few piercings walked inside the lesson.

"Wass-good sir."

"Dante. Your late."

Ah...this is Dante. He's acting like he teacher is his bro or something. Cheryl leans close to me and whispers.

"That's Dante. The other bully I was telling you about. He's always late to lesson and is such a trouble maker....he always makes these dumb jokes."

I sigh and look at the dude as he sits down recklessly in his seat. His uniform was untidy, his hair was scuffed up and he was chewing gum. This guy was definitely not following the rules and the teacher also noticed.

"Dante. Spit the gum out."

"Nah...I just put it in my mouth. Cant throw it away just yet."

The teacher scoffed and I could tell sir was annoyed. I look at Cheryl and she just seems to roll her eyes. What a douche. The guy needs to tidy himself up cuz boy! What the actual freak?? I mean...I won't diss him too hard as he didn't look bad honestly. He was a little cute....QUINN! Cut it out! Jeez. I need to snap back to reality-

"Dante. I'm asking you nicely to spit the gum out."

The teacher says sternly and looks at Dante annoyed.

"Ah whatever"

He takes the gum out his mouth and sticks it under the desk. EW! That is just nasty! Who does that! He could've simply just spat it out in the bin but no! He sticks it under the table!


The teacher yells. Dante rolls his eyes and walks out of the lesson. The teacher tries to stop him but Dante ignores him and just walks out of lesson like nothing happened and it was normal. Okay, what just happened-

"Ugh...that is disgusting...."

Cheryl's face is filled with disgust looking at him as he walks away. Honestly, I don't even blame her. Seriously that is just plain nasty!

The lesson was long and boring. 2 hours of english....my nightmare. But I got through it fine. I kinda just talked to Cheryl the whole lesson. The bell rings and everyone gets out their seats. I realise it's break time and walk with Cheryl outside to the fountain. I see 2 other girls over there and Cheryl walks up to them.

"Hey girls."

They both say hi and wave to Cheryl.

"Okay. So this is Quinn. She's new here and she's pretty cool."

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