(5) New Target

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We were standing outside the classroom, silent. Neither of us were speaking and it seemed like we both wanted to get out of here. This was so boring. But at least I didn't have to hear the teacher rant on about chemicals and organisms...
I get my phone out to check the time and we still had well over 50 minutes. Obviously we weren't just gonna stand here the whole lesson. The teacher would bring us back in eventually but, UGH! This was extremely boring.


Kyle looked at me and chuckled. He had that same snarky expression and it was pissing me off.

"What. You don't like standing out here? I think it's better than listening to baldie talk..."

I mean, I had to agree and I hated him being relatable and right. But he was not wrong. No way I wanted to listen to the teacher talk. It was boring! A bit of time went by and the teacher called up back in class.

"Okay everyone. On the board I have put up your new assigned seats and lab partners you will be working with for the rest of this project."

I look up at the board looking for my name and as soon as I see it my jaw drops. It was KYLE!? Are you serious right now!?!? Kyle looks at me also shocked and pissed. We are going to have to work together as partners for the rest of this school project! Whyyyy! Everyone starts moving to their new seats and I just sigh walking over to mine. Kyle follows me and sits next to me rolling his eyes.

"I do not want to be next to you right now...."

Kyle says rubbing his head. I look at him annoyed and slightly pissed.

"Neither do I. I don't want to be partners either but oh well. Too bad."

The teacher goes on about the project and gives us our first assignment that is due by the end of this week. He says we can work in the after school library, in a classroom at break or we can do it in our dorms. I don't like any of those options. We had about 5 minutes left of the lesson so the teacher just let us discuss with our partner what we wanted to do.

"You can do it by yourself. I don't have time for that bullshit."

I look at Kyle pissed. He wants me to do it myself?! Doesn't he know I already fail ALL my classes!?

"Dude! Are you trying to fail!? I literally got kicked out of my old school because I failed all my classes."

Kyle looks at me with wide eyes for a couple of seconds before laughing his ass off.

"What!? Your joking! Omg! No way you got kicked out because you fail all your classes!!?? Are you actually that dumb!?"

I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Okay! Whatever! But now that you know that, whose gonna do the project?? You clearly don't want to waste your 'precious' time doing this BS. So who is left to do it."

Kyle looks at me and stays silent for a second.

"Eh...I guess we're both gonna fail then. Just leave it."

What?! I am not failing another one of my lessons! I would definitely not wanna work with him but I guess I'm gonna have to. It's my only way of actually passing.

"Please! Could we both just do it together?! Like we're suppose to??"

Kyle chuckles,

"As if! I don't wanna work in the library or waste my break. And I most definitely don't wanna go to your disgusting dorm. Who do you even stay with? Probably some other freak!"

I look at him and slightly chuckle but immediately stop myself. He basically just called his 'girlfriend' a freak.

"Okay...so we will just do it in your dorm?"

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