I'm a box!

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We left Kingsland early in the morning. In fact, we hadn't slept much, due to the fact that Rock Brock stayed the whole night singing that cursed song.

OMG my new friends are changing me.


"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!"

And that during the whole night.

When we came inside my old vehicle, there was almost not enough space for the six of us (including Elien) but we managed to enter and travel to Technopolis.

The door of the dome opened, so we crossed it. It had been a while since I had last driven my vehicle, but it was not too difficult. I came home after almost 5 months... how ironic.

I remembered when I first met Franz. It wasn't actually a good time for me, but he was the one to support me after everything. I thought of looking for him after getting my shoes back, no way he was going to see me without shoes.

The city seemed normal, everyone going here or there. The sky was clearly seen from the inside, no spots in the glass, no Computer Supreme... home, after all.

Rock was trying to teach Elien more words. Kai was talking with Ana and Jackson was looking through the window, surprisingly not singing. 

When we got to the front door, I started thinking how to hack into the system to open it.

"Could you give me that?"

"Yeah sure."

Ana took the laser from Kai and broke the door. Great. I hoped Dr. X wouldn't find out.

We all entered the tower and used the reduced-gravity tube to go underground. The safe had to be there, if I recalled correctly. 

The underground part of the tower was full of big boxes, probably big enough for each of us, it seemed like Dr. X had been busy those days. I opened one and it was empty. Perfect, I had an idea.

"If we hear someone coming, we hide and pretend we're boxes."

They all agreed, so we continued walking. I heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the corridor.

"Who's there?"

We all hid inside of the boxes, all next to the others, and tried to remain in silence. Well, almost all of us.

"I'm a box! I'm a box and I'm not here to steal, because boxes don't do that..." Jackson said from the inside of his box.

Kai hit him hard enough to move both boxes. Then Rock started singing again.


Ana hit Rock, so he would shut up. In the end, we all started a fight inside the boxes. It was crazy, really.

"X! THERE IS A BOX FIGHT UNDERGROUND!!!!!!" The voice said.

Dr. X arrived. I could see him through a small hole in the box. And I also saw that the voice was Franz's.

"Unbelievable, impossible, illogical, agent Franz, boxes can't fight."

He gave Franz a small hit and went away. Franz did the same thing and we were left there, in the middle of the corridor.

We arrived at the door. Ana took the laser again and charged against it, without succeeding.


And then a miracle: a few robots appeared and started throwing lasers at us. AND THEY BROKE THE DOOR.

We all entered the safe, except for Ana and Kai. Both charged against the robots and broke them all.

"Awesome. That's all I'm gonna say. BUT I could have helped too if I had had a sword."

"Jackson, you would have probably killed Kai or Ana and not the robots" I declared. 

After opening a few drawers, I found the two pairs of shoes. I gave Kai one and put on the other. 

"Oh I finally got my shoes back."

We all went out and walked through the corridors. We were walking when we heard steps. They all hid in boxes, but there were no more near me, so I had to do the jump of my life and hide in one at the other side of the corridor. One of my shoes fell while jumping, so when I arrived at the box I thought: "No. I came here to get my shoes back and I'm not losing them again." I jumped again and ate the floor, but at least I got my shoe back.

On our way back, Jackson and Rock didn't stop singing. 

"We have to be discrete, Jackson, Rock."

But nothing. At least no one saw us, so we escaped.

We were back in the city, now with shoes. Jackson told us he had forgotten his favorite pair of socks in Kingsland, so we would have to go there again. Actually, I didn't want to go there, and neither did Ana. Instead, she wanted to go to Gunpowder Island to blow up some stuff.

"You know? We're off to Kingsland!" I said.

"But Gunpowder Island next."


In the next chapter I'm gonna include more OC's so be prepared, this is going to be so sillyyyyy

For now I hope you enjoyed reading this as I enjoyed writing!

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