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"Joder tío. Hey, Irina! Wait!" I heard Ana's voice.

I turned around and yes, she was there.

"Leave me, I need to be alone..."

"You're not simply... daydreaming..." She stared at me. "Are those... flashbacks...?"

I nodded and told her to follow me. Then we entered my room and I sat in bed.

"I don't know what this is all about... I just know I've been having flashbacks... for a while, and... everytime they come, I don't know what to do... it's like... I've lost control of myself... Someone once warned me, I skipped therapy and managed to escape, but... sometimes I can still taste my own blood, like when I was younger... I thought I could handle it... and I was wrong. I can't. This is nothing good, but... I wanted to keep it to myself, it's not your fight but mine, and..."

"Go on."

I told her my whole backstory, what the Community was... everything.

"You're not alone... Look... I was born a boy."

"You were?"

"Yes... I didn't have parents, I appeared from the nothing in a place called Somewhere. I was alone... in Somewhere there are two parts, the Traditional one and the Modern one, divided by a forest that's impossible to cross. Well, I was born in the Traditional one, but I had talent for machines I built from stolen materials... I sold a few illegally and lived miserably... one day a cat came with some bread in its mouth. I decided it'd be mine, and... some day I dicovered it granted wishes. That cat came from that forest... also, I discovered I was a girl. I started thinking about it and... the cat sacrificed itself for me. I became a girl and it turned into butterflies... I became lonely, and thought: "PERO QUÉ COÑO HAGO YO AQUÍ" and built a machine to help me go away. After months I finished, opened a portal, and found another five girls. They became my sisters, who made me like this. One day I visited Somewhere and found Andrés, and kind of adopted him... the rest is too weird but you get it right?"

"So... you're not just "swearing and bombs"?"

"No... I'm becoming your bodyguard Irina. Or adopting you."

"Better than my tutor... although I'm older than you-"


"A mí también la verdad."

"Since when do you speak Spanish?"

"Since I wrote that letter..."

We went downstairs. I didn't know that side of Ana. I had never thought of her in a different way than chaos. But it didn't matter any longer. I was getting to know new people from all over the world (and other worlds too).

Anastasia and Brock were teaching Elien new English words, but somehow she spoke French perfectly. How? None of us spoke French. She was a little... weird. Cute but weird.

Jackson was dancing with a barrel. He didn't know what to invent next for sure. Trying to dance with that... woah. Jackson was so silly and... he seemed happy. I have to admit sometimes I wish I were like him. He doesn't care at all, he's way to silly for that; he's always happy and nice, I have never seen him cry; he's confident with himself and... he sings horribly but doesn't care. I want to be like him. Then, my thoughts were that "I should never show myself in a ridiculous way" or "taking care of the image I give". Now I'm trying... well,  I'm not here to tell how everything is now, just how this went.

Morgi was doing nothing at all until Ana arrived. The two started talking about how Morgi would use Brock as a punch bag, and Ana would use Jackson.

Kai was sitting there with the blackboard. She looked...


I told myself it was probably another flashback,  but not this time. It was... something different.

I could just see shadows, everything was mostly green, and... two voices talking.

"Don't you think you're exposing yourself too much, that you're... risking our whole mission?"

"You're not the one giving orders here. If it wasn't for me, you'd be in the streets begging for mercy. So don't tell me I'm "risking our whole mission" , because I have the situation under control."

"I'm just saying that you've been using too much magic to send her everything... soon we won't have enough witch blood to take the next step."

"Don't worry, dear... that's the fun of it, right? You can kill a few hidden witches, it won't be a problem for you."

"These wings and claws will help me... I'll be back, my dear girlfriend. I'll be here before we run out of blood."


"Hi... eh..."

"What happened, Irina? What...?"

I didn't know if it was better to tell them or not. But... yeah, it was probably for the best.

"I'm getting visions again... like the last time" I finally declared, leaving the statement in the air and trying to compose myself.

"NOT AGAIN" Jackson said, leaving the barrel.

Kai started writing something on the blackboard:

"And now what?"

"We'll stay here for one more day... then we leave" I suggested, everyone accepted and I let myself fall on the so-called sofa.

Hello helloo! I'm here!! Special mention to atreyusbiggestf4n bc we were in a phone call and she explained EVERYTHING about Ana there, so I finally managed to do this

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