We *were* gonna leave

48 4 39

This chapter goes to geografiia_

I hope you enjoy this one :)

We heard strange noises, and when I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes.

A few knights, a guy with old-fashioned hairstyle and a mustache that seemed to be painted with a black marker, and a semi-bald guy dressed all in orange as if he was a carrot that had a staff. I looked at the group, surprised.

"Eh... who are you...?"

The 'carrot-guy' shook the staff and everything turned black.

"No way" I thought, "if the frame appears again I swear I'm killing all of them."

I felt a hand in my face. This hand felt so familiar, like...



"Put down that hand!"

We were all locked in a room. They helped each other getting up while I looked around.

"Can I blow it up?"


We heard steps. Someone was coming.

"Who goes there?"

A girl, about 25, appeared in the room. She had brown hair and green eyes. She looked at Jackson, and his expression showed fear.

"You know? You look like a bitch, but... a really stupid one. More like a mother fucker. Yes, that's it."

"CAN WE BE FRIENDS?" Kai asked.

"ME CAGO EN LA OSTIA" Elien said. We were all shocked by this and Rock Brock was the first one to talk.

"No, "me cachis" is better."

"Why would the Baron want you all trapped in here? You're just a bunch of assholes that walked around" the girl said.

"Thanks?" I asked, impressed by this girl's behavior, "And... who are you, anyway?"

"Morgi. Just that."

"Well... hi, I guess?"

We all introduced ourselves.
"Je m'appelle Elieeeen"

I thought for a while, then continued, "Can you take us all out of here?"

"It depends. Do you have the balls to go away right in front of the Baron?"

"I grew them." Ana declared.

And we literally did that. It was not too difficult, I think the Baron's guards are blind or deaf or both, because I had never seen such a noisy and extravagant group. Jackson and Brock singing (as usual), Ana and Morgi talking, Elien saying weird stuff in French to Anastasia, and Kai and I looking at each other weirdly.

If I have to be honest, I'll admit that situation was uncomfortable, because we were sneaking out of a castle "discreetly". Then Kai started saying "I HAVE SHOES" through all the corridor. And I let myself fall into madness instead of listening to my Technopolian instinct. In other words, I did the same thing.

A weird thing happened then. A flashback, from years ago.

We were just fooling around, instead of giving our speeches, we should have been in the building a while ago, but we didn't care about it.

I was holding his hand. We were running through the empty streets of the third district, having some fun, my device of the Community was going wild, same for his, but we didn't pay attention. We never did.

"Iri!" He said. I looked at him, still not knowing what he was up to, "Maybe we should go... Louise will get mad..."

"I'm failing the projects, I won't get another title... I feel like I'm not welcomed there..."

"But you are!"

"By you and who else?"

"Everyone. They just don't know you much, but don't worry... they certainly care about you."

I nodded and kept running. Maybe I was overthinking too much, and it was only that I was new, but it was still hard.

Once in the building I greeted everyone and took my sit, waiting for the first presentation. Mine (as always) was a failure... And my best friend's got enough to be financed, everyone loved him, he had been there for two years, and I had joined 4 months ago.

"They'll like you some day, you're just new" I thought to myself.

I hadn'tnotice it, but I was tearing up.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... it's nothing."

We left the castle and went to my vehicle (we took our time).


Morgi's first appearance here! And also exploring Irina's character a little :)

I'm going to do a book for her past, but this was a little spoiler

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