Flying shoes and a blackboard

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It's been a while but let's keep this going!!

I woke up in the so-called sofa, and just Jackson and Kai were awake. Kai didn't talk a lot, in fact, she was not saying anything. She was writing weird stuff on a blackboard... strange. 

The thing is I was still half-asleep. And I didn't know where my shoes were. Jackson told me to go upstairs and see, and so I did. There were my shoes, actually next to my bed, and I put them on. It was kind of weird, my shoes... back. And not any shoes but that shoes. The ones that made me think that...

"Please, take these. Take them to Dr. X... tell him to publish the invention... please, Eva."

"Yeah, sure. Also, how's everything at home?"

"Worse every day. I think... well, nothing, just..."

I stayed thinking for a while, then Eva hugged me.

"Don't worry about it... and Val and Noa... forget them..."

"Oh shit another one" I thought while looking at the ceiling. I didn't remember about Val at all...

But it didn't matter. I went downstairs to see what was happening there (probably I had stayed for a while immersed in my flashback).

Ana's voice could be heard from my room. Seriously how did I become friends with these people?

When I got down, the door opened and a huge man showed up. I'm not kidding when I say that I jumped from the scare and one of my shoes flied through the room and hit him in the face. Jackson grabbed my other shoe and threw it against the man, again hitting him in the face.

"Fuck you" Elien said happily. The man's face now was hilarious to see, but still scary.


Who knows where my Technopolian instinct was then, but I followed him right through the door.

"You're not... QUÉ COÑO PONE AQUÍ?!" Ana shouted from the inside of the house. "Eh... you're not in danger, come back."

We both entered again.

"This is Rubens, Ruby's father" Kai wrote.



And he started singing. Again. As always.

Rubens entered the house, took a sit in the "sofa" and looked at us all.

"Look who's back! And with lots of friends, I see."

She nodded and looked at us like saying "go on, talk", but obviously no one was saying anything to a complete stranger that we didn't know.

Actually, I was just hoping that I wouldn't get another flashback. I didn't care about that Rubens one bit. I just didn't want to seem like half-dead in front of everyone or something (I don't know how I look like during my flashbacks).

Rock Brock started singing, but Morgi, who was not willing to keep anything to herself, told him he sang terribly bad and he should keep his mouth shut, and then she beat him right in front of us.


Jackson hid under the table. Just because.

Rubens and Kai talked. Well, Rubens talked and Kai wrote on her blackboard (which was old, to say the least). They talked... no, they exchanged information about Ruby, her new friends, Jackson, our silly little adventure, Jackson, Gareth's secret, Jackson and everything weird in Gunpowder Island.

I got bored and fell asleep. I remembered that at school...

I was always tired. Almost fell asleep in every class or break, at home and struggled in the Community while giving a speech. Everything just seemed to slow down, to go...

And I had small shortcuts, how I called it...

But the worst thing...

"Don't challenge me, dear... oh, I know. Let I out, no one's counting that."

I touched my lip and then looked at my finger. There was blood on it.

"Leave me alone."

"Sorry, but what you need is therapy. Can't you see where you got? That laser played a trick on you, and now you're sipping blood all day long."

"Not a trick."

"Anyway, you should sleep."

"Sorry, but you're not my- uh... hi... I'm going to sleep... eh... I'm too tired right now... bye..."

I picked up my shoes and left... I needed to be alone...

Okay I didn't think I'd do that much spoilers, but have this chapter!

Also, sorry creators, send me requests to make this as you want plzz


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