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Dedicated to Nek0bl1ss444 and here we go!

I drove as fast as I could until we reached the door of the dome, then went through it. We were out again. I thought that we could have stayed there, no one had seen us, but well, I was not willing to see X's face every single day, so it was better outside. Then I remembered that after visiting Kingsland I had promised Ana to take her to Gunpowder Island, so I thought of tying her to a chair, but then I thought: "poor chair", so it was better if I just kept an eye on her. 

The worst part was that Kai also wanted to blow up some stuff, so it was going to be impossible to keep the situation under control. Good, the psychopath joined the purpose.

We arrived at the castle, saw Gareth, who was disappointed, we greeted the king, Jackson's dad, and then went upstairs. Leonora was there, talking through a door.

"I'll be back."

"Leonora?" Jackson asked.

She turned around to see Jackson; Ana, Elien and Rock (whose names she didn't know yet); the pirate that haunted her in her nightmares and me. Of course she had not forgotten about that time Kai looked under her dress, and I could see that she was pretty shocked.



We all looked at Leonora, then at Kai, then at Leonora again. The princess looked at Elien, who hid in my hair knowing that it was the safest option.

"Hey! Everyone loves me with no exception."

"Ahem ahem" Jackson started.

She left, mad, and we were left alone in the corridor. I decided to take a look inside of the room where Leonora was minutes ago, and I found... another princess? 

"Hi!" she greeted me.

"Eh... hi!"

Kai appeared next to me for no reason and looked at me, I knew what she meant (and I'll let y'all guess)


"No what?" the princess asked.

"Nothing, excuse my friend, she's weird. I'm agent Irina 130542 and these are my friends."

They all introduced themselves to the princess, and when they finished, Elien jumped off my hair to meet her.

"Cute! I'm princess Anastasia, from the other valley, and I met Leonora while she was trying to get kidnapped because she was bored so she brought me here."

I nodded, without knowing what else to say. A wasp entered the room, randomly, because it was probably bored. The thing is Jackson and I managed to hide, Anastasia and Elien didn't notice the wasp and Kai (the psychopath) started screaming.

"Don't worry, Rock Brock will save the day!"

Rock picked Kai up and walked through the room with her. The wasp left (probably because it was even more bored with us, sign it didn't appreciate a silly moment of ours) and Jackson and I went out.

"Awwww, look at the sweet couple" Jackson said, referring to Kai and Rock.

"I'm gay, bro."

"And I'm lesbian, Jackson!!"

Jackson covered his face, in total surprise and confusion.

"Oh not again! Why is it always me? Second time this happens! Eh... yeah, sorry..." he apologized.

After a bit of uncomfortable silence, Jackson told us to go out to look for his socks. I asked Anastasia if she wanted to come with us, and she accepted, so we all left the room.

When we finally found the socks, we went outside of the castle. Jackson now wanted go for a walk in the forest before we left. So there we were, the boys started singing (as usual) and I almost tripped with a stick. Everything normal.

We heard strange noises, and when I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Guess who's there! This is so silly AAAAAAA

Also, what happened during the wasp moment happened at school, Idk why but a boy picked my dear friend up and I thought of writing it!

For now byeee

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