Gareth's darkest secret (that almost everyone knew)

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Hiiiiii I've made the timeline and I'm so close to chapter 5 (MY FAV EVERRRRR) and I can't wait to update this (guess I planned to do ANOTHER sequel after this one and yes it will be open [but I'll just accept like one or two characters so for you to start thinking hehe])

Jackson's dad came to greet him. He looked quite like his son: blonde (kinda, it's a mix between brown and blonde), messy hair and brown eyes. He smiled and Jackson gave him a hug.

"Jackson! What a surprise!"

"You won't believe what I've done! I beat a witch all by myself and survived to weird things that happened!"

"Good, my son, good."

Ana looked at him, then at me and Kai. She raised an eyebrow.

"He didn't do all those things by himself, am I right?"

"Well, not exactly alone..."

"...Mostly by accident but..."

"HE DID?!"

Meanwhile, Jackson had been explaining everything to his dad: our adventure, all the "shoe stuff", the broomstick, his dance with the furios, Rexy, the lobster that got stuck on his foot...

Elien said something in her language, but it seemed... different...

"Inush... hi... tishuuuuu"

"WHEN THE FUCK DID SHE LEARN THAT?!" Kai asked, "Did she just say "hi"?

"It seems so..."

Elien nodded and hid in my hair. All of them, mysterios (Alien's tribe) and furios had issues with my hair. Why. 

Then, Jackson looked his father in the eye,. He wanted something, I already knew what it was.

"Can I have a sword?"



"I said no, Jackson. You're not prince Alexander. Yu're a real disaster, someone would get killed."

"he's not wrong, in fact" Kai whispered.


 "But I don't understand why not! The accident with the damsel was a long ago!"

"You have to admit you'd be a little dangerous with a sword."

"Yeah, bro. A sword is something that only real masters of adventure and fight can have" Rock Brock said.

"And that's why you don't have a sword either" Ana teased.

"I know what to do: I'll just ask the king."

We all followed Jackson to the throne room. There was no chance that he would get a sword, so we went there to support him when he received the answer.

When we got there, we saw that the king was not there. Instead, Gareth was pacing around the place.

"I need to ask the king something."

"Well, sir Jackson (if I should call you like that, what I don't think), he's not here, so ask me instead."

"I want a sword."

"Ha! And I want to marry the one I love."

"Then let's make a deal: You give me a sword and I give you your woman."

"I'm gay."

Jackson's expression turned to one of pure surprise and confusion. Then he realised what he had done.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm-"

"I won't give you a sword and that's my final word."


"I actually knew he was gay, it matched him, but... who is his beloved one?" Kai said.

"Poor guy, honestly."


"I really don't know what to do! I. Want. A. Sword."

"Jackson stop"


Kai came and started looking at the five of us.

"I don't mean to interrupt you all, but... 1. It's the middle of the night and I want to sleep. 2. Where are we going next?"

"I want to go to Technopolis" I declared, "Dr. X is keeping two pairs of shoes that I made years ago, when I got in the Community... in his tower..."

"You want to solve your shoe problem, right?"

I nodded my head, I was no longer willing to walk without shoes.

"Tomorrow then."

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