Sharkbeard will hate us forever

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The trip was not too weird, just the same as always. It seemed that this people were dying to get to Gunpowder Island (specially Ana and Kai). Morgi and Kai seemed to be becoming friends. But well, yeah.

The weirdest thing I saw was Jackson kissing his socks. Like... THE SOCKS, JACKSON? REALLY?

The worst thing was arriving. My vehicle was too small for us all so we were too close to the others, and this time Brock was by my side. He almost left me deaf from the singing, I closed my eyes and we almost didn't tell it. At least I could react on time and the impact was not to bad.

We got down, Kai started running towards a house and Ana followed her. Then everyone (including me) was running. We reached a house, and Ana and Kai managed to get a canyon. They fired it against the house, which was the biggest in those streets, but with no results.


Rock Brock, (intelligent), kicked one of  the walls of the house. Of course, he got hurt.

"Bros, I think my foot can't beat this wall."

And then the weirdest thing I had ever seen happened.

"Out of my way" Anastasia said. Everyone looked at her and went far from the wall.

We all saw her, just hitting the wall slightly but blowing it up. Jackson was shocked and afraid, same for Elien, and they both hid behind me.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Morgi asked.

"You wanted to blow it up, it's not my fault."

We heard a cracked voice from the inside.


"It's not Ruby, Sharkbeard, it's Kai, right here! (I like to fool him)"

"Oh... yeah... KAI!!!!"

"Time to run!!"

We hid at Kai's house and stayed there for the night. I remembered the first time I had been there, when we met. Well, when she kidnapped me and gave me the one that had been the scare of my life (until the frame).

Rock Brock was teaching Elien some card games, it seemed that we were gonna spend a weird night.


I couldn't sleep. A memory from my youth was taking over my brain.

I felt a soft blanket on top of me. At home we had blankets, but no one as soft as that one. And the touch of a familiar hand laying on mine. I knew perfectly who it was from. Yet I kept my eyes closed for a little more time. When I opened them, I saw his brown hair, it was him, my best friend, looking at me. I was too dazed to remember what had happened, but still had the feeling of it.

"Iri! It worked! I thought..."


I started to remember everything. We stayed silent and then we hugged, the feeling of being so close made me feel better.


"Don't be."

I didn't feel good, my head was still spinning, the whole thing was getting the best of me, and it was not healthy. I had almost made it...

My tutor entered the room, she looked so mad I was starting to feel scared.


Then she told me I was never going to see him again. I hadn't told her all the Community stuff yet. But it didn't matter right now.

When she went out the room, he entered. He stayed there the whole night, by my side.

"I had to do it... I'll understand if you're mad, but... you're the sister I never had, and..." he said.

"Don't worry about it..."



"Promise me you will never try to do this again."


I finally fell asleep. The only reminder of my tutor made me feel like a part of me still lived in Technopolis, trapped inside the dome...

HIIIII I hope you enjoyed it, and as I know atreyusbiggestf4n is gonna kill me, I left here this flashback!


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