Chapter Forty Six

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"I can't believe you're not going to miss us! I understand them but me! Aila! Look at this face!"

Seokjin pointed to himself as he jolted his bottom lip out and saddened his face.

"You guys stayed over Friday, Saturday AND SUNDAY! Are you kidding me!? Thank God it's Monday! Never been happier."

Looks and sounds of disapproval went around the group.

"But we didn't make a mess... we just wanted to spend time with you." Taehyung made a face where he tightened his lips and slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah that doesn't work with me."

He sighed in defeat.

"Oh well it was worth trying." Taehyung came up to Aila, engulfing her in a hug before making his way out the door. The others soon followed, all seven ready to get to work.

They gave her hugs and kisses, all making her heart beat faster.

Jimin was the last one, feeling horrible for having to get to work. He really didn't want to. One weekend with her wasn't nearly enough for his thirsty heart.

He waited until Yoongi said bye and stepped out the door to slowly approach her.

"Hm, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed staying over this weekend. I really love your home."

Jimin wasn't lying. Her home was absolutely amazing. He wanted to come over all the time, permanently.

"Thanks Jimin. I had a lot of fun as well."

Jimin felt his body run with a cold shiver with his hands becoming hot and clammy. He wanted to ask her out on a date, but was afraid she would have the same response as before.

He took a deep breath, feeling stupid for getting weak with such a simple question.

"I know you're off today and tomorrow....I was.... wondering if we could maybe go out to get some coffee?" Jimin forced his eyes to look at Aila, the panick settling in his chest.


Is it always this never wrecking? Is this how he's going to feel all the time?

Aila had alarms going off in her mind, all telling her not to do this.

To not but herself through the pain.

"Ummm I would.... but....." Jimin lost all his hopes as he heard the word but, "I don't like coffee. Not a big fan. Wanna go grab something like a smoothie?"

Jimin felt his whole world brighten at the fact she accepted his offer.

"Oh! Yeah! Coffee! Pshh! Who likes that stuff anyways! Ummm, we can go today! Like after I get off work... if that's ok."

Aila giggled as Jimin became a mess trying to get his words out, automatically agreeing with her about coffee when she herself has seen him not function without it.

Jimin felt his chest boom with a warm feeling at her laughter. She was so beautiful to him.

"Yeah, whenever you get out of work. Do you want me to meet you somewhere?"

"No! I'll... I'll come by and pick you up." His face felt hot at the thought of coming to her get.

"Ok, see you later Jimin."


Jimin had messaged her throughout the day.

They all had.

Somehow a big group chat was created with all eight. It was the best distraction if she's being honest. It gave her a sense that nothing happened or changed between them.

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