Chapter Forty Nine

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Aila's chest drowned in Yoongi's essence.

The curve of his lips was different than Seokjin's but still as beautiful and intoxicating. His touch was soft and sweet, his hands tender holding her body.

This was the sweetest she had ever been kissed.

She felt loved, cherish, delicate.

Min Yoongi was a dangerous man.

Just as dangerous as Kim Seokjin.

Her mind began to rush with thoughts, ugly thoughts and the loudest of them were Jimin and Jungkook.

Her Jungkook.

Shame began to take over her mind.

She pushed Yoongi and got off the bed, facing him with tears threatening to make their way down.

"No!! You're with Kookie! I can't fucking believe I did this to my Kookie! To our sweet boy! I saw you two kiss and you.... you were all over each other! How can you be okay with kissing me when you have him!"

"Aila! Listen! It's not what you think!"

"Oh so I just imagined you on his lap, fucking making out with him and now you kissing me?!"

"No, that did happen but lis—"

"No! This shouldn't have happened! How can you look at me! Look at him! How am I suppose to act when I kissed you! I can't! I love Koo—"

"We all want to be with you!" Seokjin shouted, shutting Aila up in her spiel.

"What did you just say?" Aila took a step back from the bed.

"Fuck! Damn it!" Seokjin got off the bed and rushed towards Aila, taking her in his arms.

She wanted to push him off but she didn't have the energy to, so instead she let herself drown in his comforting scent.

"We all want to be with you. That's what we want. Yes, Kookie and Yoongi have a special relationship among themselves but they want you, just as the others. We've been trying to see if we have a chance with you. That's why we told you about our feelings and that's why we have been so close to you these past couple of days. Because we wanted to somehow court and see if there's a chance you'll give us the opportunity to be with you." Seokjin put both of his hands on her neck and bent down to give her a kiss on her forehead.

"We were stupid to not tell you how we felt but knowing we all had crushes on you held us back. It was like an unspoken rule we didn't want to break. We didn't want to hurt each other in the case any had a chance with you. It.... it really hurt us when Hobi and you...." Seokjin took a paused, feeling stupid for being jealous of his best friend's happiness, "anyways, I'm not....I'm not telling you this to confuse in. Sorry if it does. Just know that this does not mean Yoongi cheated on Jungkook. Don't feel guilty because there's no reason to. Yoongi nor I nor the rest would be jealous about us getting to kiss you. Maybe before but we talked this through and are aware of what we want."

Seokjin let go of Aila and sat on the bed. Yoongi hadn't moved, waiting for Seokjin to get their point across.

She ran his words through his head understanding what they wanted.

"So you're willing to be in a relationship with me?"

"Yes. In the most untraditional way possible, if you'll have us." Yoongi answered.

Her eyes landed on his form, her fingers coming to trace her lips, his touch still melting into her skin.

"I.... I don't know what to say... this is all..."

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