Chapter 4

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HAPPY EASTER SUNDAY GUYS :D I hope you had an amazing weekend and have a great day further :) I'm sorry I took so long to post this chapter but I've been crazy busy! Okay I just want to say well done to my best friend Iz for getting on to the 1st team hockey tour! I love you babe :) I'm very proud of you. AND I wrote a poem for you guys and Iz helped me a bit :) you should feel special :) so here is Chapter 4 xx

*Arizona's P.O.V*

A day after my fight with Shay my parents came and silently took me back to my broken home. It felt as if I was entering a strange place. When I looked at the mirror in the hallway it seemed as if I was looking at a familiar stranger, the same but yet there was something so different about me...

Its now three days after I left the hospital. I enter through the school doors. I cloak of dread covering me, sinking into my bones. I don't know what I'm going to do when I bump into Shay, I've been thinking about it ever since our fight and I'm still not sure what to do... It was her fault, I don't want to apologize and knowing her she will act as if nothing is wrong and I don't think I can do that.. But if I drop her as my best friend I have no one, I'm all alone in the world with out her and as much as she can be a crappy best friend I can't imagine my life without her, somehow regardless of her faults she means too much to me. Especially now that brandon is gone..


She walks through the hallways unnoticed and unseen

Everything about her has a glassy sheen

The smile on her face never reaches her eyes

If she's louder will someone hear her cries

Face towards the floor

She can't do this anymore

Tries to find a way out

But all her mind yearns is scream and shout

If they only new..

What she actually went through

Would they be against here?

Would they even try to help her?


Walking along the hallways it seemed as if people noticed me but didn't want to acknowledge me..

I walk to my locker at the end of the long corridor, I open my locker door to check my subjects for the day. Oh fantastic. Double maths, totally my favourite subject! Not. As I close my locker and roll my eyes at my bad luck I come face to face with deep green eyes. I step back out of shock. Keanu takes my arm in what would seem like a loving gesture if it was anyone but Keanu.

"How ya doing?" Keanu asks non chalently

I don't have time to play games, "What do you want?" I ask not hiding my annoyance

He chuckles half heartedly "Well I guess I was right about you needing a pick-me-up. And a serious one at that" he smirks at me

"I don't need anything from you! I haven't got time for this Keanu!"

"Actually.. If you want to keep your "rep" in tact you should do what I say and you can cut the attitude, love" He smiles sweetly showing his perfect white teeth

"I haven't got cash on me" I tell him truthfully

"Ugh why you gta be so hard to get baby" he says and gives me a light peck on the cheek

I step even further back "get away from me!"

"Yo! Get the hell away from her!" A familiar deep voice shouts

Keanu stands to the side and I see Austin standing in the hallway next to a classroom door. Austin was Brandon's best friend.. We hadn't spoken a word since Brandon died.

He shoves keanu up against the lockers picking him up off his feet. You wouldn't think of austin as strong because he has a rather scrawny build but it turns out appearances can be deceiving. I see fear in Keanu's eyes as the tall arabic looking boy stares into his eyes. Then without warning he drops keanu to the ground and gruffly says "get out of here"

I'm still standing in awe as he focuses his attention on me.

"Tough crowd you're hanging out with lately" he says

I smile, "not so much hanging out as getting cornered by my locker, unwillingly"

He chuckles, "are you okay though?"

"Yeah, I'm good" I reply, not looking him in the eyes

"No, I mean... I uh...heard about the hospital thing.." He says glancing away

"Umm.. Well I'm recovering.." I smile non-genuinly.

"You don't have to pretend, I get it. I'm sorry I never spoke to you after.. You know. I wanted to but like what do I say? Crap.. I kinda feel responsible that it got this bad with you.. Like Keanu?! Everyone knows the only reason someone talks to that guy. What were you think Ari?" He asks giving me a concerned look

He seemed really brotherly at this moment. It made my heart pang. He was the only one who knew how I felt. He and brandon were like brothers, you could swear they were if not for the difference in looks. I missed having someone looking out for me..

"I'm sorry.. It gets really bad sometimes. Now that I'm the only child and my parents well... And shay.. Ugh" I place my face in my hands

Austin places his arm over my shoulders comforting me. A few of his friends walk past shouting snide comments and mocking him.

"Get lost you idiots!" He shouts back at them and they back off.

"Someone has them under his thumb" I say

"Yeah, they're stupid as hell. They don't know shit"

We laugh in agreement. He walks with me to class. We see Carla and Keren waiting outside the class, they perk up when they see us and look at Austin in confusion. They both shoot me a questioning look.

I don't know what to say and as I'm about to mumble an explanation Austin extends his hand towards carla "Hi, Ari and I used to be friends. I'm austin. We haven't officially met" I thank him in my mind for leaving brandon out of it.

"Hey" keren says, she looks at carla expectantly but carla seems to be checking austin out.

"Hi" carla smiles at Austin. Shaking his hand.

Both keren and I gawk at carla. She was actually nice! This is a miracle! Maybe its because he is a grade above us.

Austin and carla start a conversation while keren and I keep staring at them. They seem to be getting on like a house on fire when suddenly the school bell rings.

"Well I guess I'll see you at break" austin smiles at carla

"I'll make sure of it" Carla flirts back

"Bye" austin says to me

In a complete state of shock I utter something that I hope resembles bye.

Just as we're settling in I remember, "Is Shay here today? I haven't seen her?" Secretly I'm wishing they answer no but just as they're about to say something I hear an all to familiar voice.

"Hey, Carla and Keren" Shay...

so its a lot shorter then I planned and I know its kinda lame but none the less, I hope you liked it :) Austin is going to be quite an important character so I hope you like him. He's a great person in real life as well :) much love, kez x

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