Chapter 1

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The moment I stepped inside the cold brick building that I had the unfortunate burden of calling school, every fibre within me urged me to head straight out of the doors and keep running until I was far away. I pulled myself together and got ready to face the day.

Its not that my school was particularly bad or different to any other school that officials forced us to attend. It was the people inside... You'd think that I am the loner girl with no friends and gets bullied by the 'popular' kids but no... My life is far far worse... As it turns out I go to one of those small schools where everybody 'knows and loves' everyone else..yeah right. We're teenagers, there will always be those little cliques and fights and rumours, just at my school that was all hidden. We all put on a perfect front...We all put on masks.



I turned my head at the sound of my name, yeah my parents are weird with names. I saw my best friend,Shay, walking up to me, she is short, tanned and asian with wavy auburn hair. Yeah who knew you got someone as beautiful as that? I gave her a huge and incredibly fake smile, seems that nobody knows the difference which makes my life way easier.

"Hey babe" I say to her

She smiles and gives me a hug which always makes me smile since she is so much shorter then me.

"Sooo how was your weekend?" Shay asks

"Oh! It was amazing! I went to the mall and shopped every single second I had!" Another complete lie but she didn't hesitate to believe me since I had fashion sense and wore new clothes everyday.

I dont exactly enjoy lying to Shay but it has become habit, she needs me to make her feel that everything is okay. She relies on me and I can't let her down by showing my true feelings and telling her that I didn't do shit this weekend or any other weekend as a matter of fact. So my only option was to lie or as I prefer to think of it, hide the truth. I wouldn't be fair of me to let her deal with my issues and my raw, rather depressing emotions. Shay liked things to be good and happy and that was the way I was going to keep them for her, no matter how much it pained me to do so...

"Ari?" Shay was clicking her fingers infront of my face

"Oh sorry love, I blanked out" I gave her a sheepish and not exactly truthful smile to go along with my not exactly truthful sentence.

She took no notice and grabbed my hand as we walked down the corridor to class.

Leaning against the wall just infront of our class were two of our close friends Carla and Keren. Carla was chatting away to keren in very dramatic gestures and Keren was laughing her head off. They both look so happy and for a moment I wish I could feel happy again and then I remember him and the possibility of real happiness slips away. I take that as my que to go along with fake happiness.

"Hey" I smile at them

They both turn their heads and reply with nonchalant "Heys".

Carla is abnormally tall and tanned with blue eyes, brown hair and light blonde streaks. Keren on the other hand is average height with milky coffee coloured skin, dark chocolate brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. Almost complete opposites but very close best friends.

A boy in our class walks up to us, I remember his name is Matthew but don't say anything. Carla sneers at him and coldly says "What do you want?"

He gets the message and steps back silently.

Keren looks at Carla and says "You don't have to be such a bitch to everyone"

"Yes I do" Carla replies and we all laugh. I'm not a particularly mean person but I honestly couldn't care less what Carla says and does, she's one of those people who you just leave to do what they want. I know some people look down on me for being friends with her but I care even less about what they think. since 3 years ago I haven't thought much about anyone else. I know it sounds selfish but people don't know what I went through so I choose to just block them out.

My group of friends carry on talking while we take our seats in class, the back row as usual. I take out my book and stare at the clock. 7 more hours of this to go through. Fantastic.

Thanks for ready my first chapter. I hope you all liked it! please vote and become a fan :) Much Love, Kez x

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