Chapter 3 Part 1

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I walked into our family room, I'd been in this room a thousand times but this time something was off about the atmosphere... I shrugged it off as my mind playing tricks on me and sat down between my parents to watch a movie.


I came home from school the next day to find my parents sitting at the dining room table.

"Arizona we need to speak with you" my dad says with no expression on his face and no comforting look in his eyes. I sit down meekly, wondering what they could want to talk about.

They sat for hours trying to explain to me that it's for the best and that love isn't always forever. I sat as still as a statue, not wanting to move incase I breakdown. What did they want me to say? How am I supposed to gleefully accept that my world is crashing down around me?! Slowly I feel all of my body become numb, my parents are sitting with me, holding my hands, trying to get me to understand...

Somewhere beneath all the despair and sadness I manage to find anger. A raw deep anger that I allow to envelope me. Its controlling but destructive power licks the nerves of my body as it gains control. It gives me the dark energy to stand up. With out a word I walk out of the room, I storm into my bedroom and slam the door.

I find an old blade that I used to use for wood carving. Without thinking about it too intently I put the blade on my wrist, with no hesitation I slide the blade across. A thin crimson line appears, slowly a drop forms and slides down my wrist leaving a trail of blood.

I feel pain but its dull pain, masked by the anger. I slide the blade again and again and just once more for luck. Before I feel it I already know the last cut was too deep, I see streams of blood run down my arm, I feel it start to soak my white shirt. At the edge of my vision I see blackness, it starts growing all around me. I don’t make a sound, instead I welcome the feeling that it might be over..

In those vague moments between consciousnesses, a few thoughts drag across my mind, I hope its over… Its so much easier this way.. how could they… They said love was forever….

A/N: this was very hard for me to write because its very real to me and as I said in the beginning its not just a story its close to me… so yeah I know its dark but I hope you thought it was good. Vote, comment, fan xxx

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