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No one wants to be the loner in school, except Cassie. She would always be the exception. It was the safest and healthiest method for her sanity, something difficult she'd learnt last century. By the school, she was seen to be on the same level as Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, two boys in her English class, but she couldn't keep one person away: Katie Hale.

Cassie walked back into her bedroom and took her brown hair out of the towel, throwing the towel onto her bed. She looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed through her hair. A figure ran past the open window, causing Cassie to jump slightly.

"What are you doing here?" She sighed and put the hairbrush down on her bedside table. "It's almost morning. People are waking up by now and you're jumping from rooftop to rooftop."

"What are you doing back?" A man asked after he jumped through the window. He had black hair, a beard, and greenish eyes.

"Thought I'd visit the town again." She shrugged, leaning back against her desk.

"It's been six years." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry for that, Derek. I really am. But... I couldn't stay after what happened." Cassie sighed

"You didn't even try and help." Derek said, glaring at her.

"I did help. But the aftermath was out of my control. There was nothing else I could do after getting Katie out of that house." She replied angrily. "Now, can you please leave my house so I can get to school."

"You've been going to school since it was legal for women to even learn." Derek stepped closer to her. "You're passing almost all your classes and there's no reason for you to go."

Cassie stayed quiet this time, not knowing how to respond to him anymore. Her thumb tapped her ring finger on her right hand lightly as she looked out of the window.

Derek sighed and rubbed his thumb against his lips. He knew no amount of convincing would stop Cassie from walking into the hell people called school. "Fine. Meet me out front in a bit. I know it takes you a while to 'get ready'." With that, Derek jumped back out the window. Rather theatrical if you asked Cassie.

"Dramatic. Every time." She sighed and rubbed her forehead, "Can he not use a front door for once?" Cassie finished up with her hair and applied some quick eyeliner. She put on her black leather jacket, grabbed her bag, and walked downstairs. 

The house was lonely, but comforting. It was the same it had been for years, centuries even. And it was something she had gotten used to.

A car's honk brought Cassie back to reality and she headed towards the front door. Cassie opened the door and saw Derek sitting in the driver's seat of a black car.

"What are you doing?" A small smile cracked at Cassie's lips as she walked over to the car.

"Get in." He replied with a straight face.

"I don't need you to take me to school." She told him, already knowing what he wanted.


"Fine." She opened the door and got into the car.

Stiles walked over to Scott in a hurry, his bag slightly falling off his shoulder so he lifted it back up. "Okay. Let's see this thing."

Scott sighed and lifted up part of his shirt to reveal a large plaster with some blood sleeping through the centre.

"Ooh!" Stiles leaned in to touch it

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