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Cassie walked down the hall to reach her next lesson. She walked past some police officers that were talking to the principal and she picked up on a bit of it.

"We want everyone under the age of eighteen to be in their home by nine thirty pm. We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately." The Sheriff told the principal, then saw Cassie walking past. He turned to the deputy and said, "Handle this for me."

The Sheriff walked over to Cassie and she stopped in her tracks.

"Is there something you need, Sheriff?" Cassie asked, putting her voice at a slightly higher pitch.

"Have I met you before?" He asked, looking at her as if she was a puzzle and he didn't know where a piece went in.

"You probably met my mother." Cassie forced a smile. "I've been told I look just like her."

"And, how is your mother?" Sheriff asked

"She left town a while back." Cassie shrugged then walked down the corridor.

Around the corner, was Stiles and Scott.

"What do you two want?" She looked at them both

"You just lied to a police officer. Your heartbeat went up." Scott said

"Well I couldn't tell him the truth." Cassie replied

"Why not?" Stiles asked. "What are you?"

"Human." She muttered

"There it is, again. Your heartbeat shows you're lying." Scott stated. "So, what are you? A werewolf?"

"Abominable snowman. But it's only a wintertime thing." Cassie joked then walked off

"She's not going to tel us anything, is she?" Stiles sighed

"Nope." Scott shook his head

Atlas closed her locker and turned around to Lydia - her sister -, Jackson - Lydia's boyfriend -, and Allison - the new girl. She leaned back as Lydia introduced Allison to Jackson. Lydia saw Scott walking over and began to walk off, Jackson following behind, with Atlas behind him.

"So Lydia's introducing you to everyone?" Scott asked Allison

"She's being so unbelievably nice to me." Allison replied with a smile.

"I wonder why." Scott mumbled

"Maybe she gets how much being the new girl can suck." Allison shrugged

Scott looked down and saw Allison holding a coat, the same coat that was left in the woods before. "Where did you get that?" He looked back up at her

"My jacket?" She asked. "It was in my locker. I think Lydia or Atlas brought it back from the party. They-."

"Did either one of them say they brought it back or did someone give them the jacket?" Scott cut her off

"Like who?"

"Like Derek."

"Your friend?"

"He's not my friend. How much did you talk to him when he drove you home?"

"Not much at all."

"What did you say?"

Allison stuttered for a moment then pointed in the direction of her class. "I... gotta get to class."

"Allison-." Scott began, but Allison was already walking away.

Scott rode his bike through the woods until arriving at the mostly burnt down Hale house. He walked over to the entrance calling for Derek. Katie walked over to him from a heap of Dirt, which got Scott a little curious.

"What are you doing here?" Katie asked

"I'm looking for Derek." Scott looked around and saw Derek standing on the patio. "Stay away from her! She doesn't know anything!"

"What? The Argent girl?" Katie scoffed

"What if she does?" Derek asked Scott as he walked over. "Do you think your little buddy Stiles can just Google Werewolves, and now you've got all the answers, is that it? You don't get it yet, Scott, but I'm looking out for you."

"Just, think about what could happen if you're out on the field in a Lacrosse game and you suddenly wolf out in front of everyone when the aggression takes over." Katie said

Derek picked up Scott's Lacrosse stick, "Your mum, all your friends. And when they see you..." he poked Scott with the stick then broke the net on it. "Everything falls apart."

Derek threw the stick over to Scott and disappeared, along with Katie.

Cassie arrived home later that day and glanced around. Something seemed... off about the place. Not in the way it usually was. She quickly went upstairs and checked her desk.

There was a stack of papers, all covered in writing, all saying similar things across the paper. Cassie counted the papers with a brush of her finger across the side: twenty eight pieces. She put the papers back down and sighed heavily, brushing a hand through her hair. That's when she saw a small scratch mark on her desk from a werewolf.

"Peter." Cassie remembered. She would normally visit him to see if he was healing any better or if he could move, but she hadn't seen him recently.

Peter sat unmoving in his wheelchair, his face had a large burn mark across it and his hair had grown out over the past six years. A blonde nurse walked into the room and glanced at him before Cassie walked into the room.

"You have ten minutes." The nurse told her and walked out before Cassie could respond.

Cassie sat down in front of Peter and her eyes searched his face for any sign of emotion. "There's... there's an Alpha that's wreaking havoc. They.. they killed your niece. Peter, I need you to move, move anything. A finger, a blink, a twitch, anything. I need to know this treatment of yours is working." She sighed and looked down, just to see his finger twitch slightly. So she looked back up at him.

The nurse came back into the room, but Cassie's attention was focused on Peter so she didn't notice the needle injected into her neck. Most of it was injected into her neck, but she managed to push the needle away.

"Your time is up." The nurse said calmly

Cassie pushed the Nurse to the side and got out of the building as fast as she could. She ran over to her motorbike and got on, completely disregarding the helmet rule.

Once on the road, she pulled out her phone and called someone. The call went through and the phone was answered.

"Hello?" A man spoke through the phone

"Deaton. I've just been injected with something and I need your help with it." Cassie said, not taking a breath between the words.

"Get here as fast as you can." Deaton told her.

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