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Cassie didn't wake up in one of her usual dreams, but in a different forest. It was one she remembered, but not the same one.

"No.." Cassie whispered, turning around to see a house, a small flame in the window.

The flame sparked and grew larger, setting off a small explosion that pushed Cassie backwards. Screams came from the house, rippling through the air as the fire spread to some of the trees.

And, she called out for the only person she thought to. "Perseus!" She yelled to the house. But no reply came. "Percy!" Tears streamed down Cassie's face, her feet glued to the ground.

"Cassiopeia!" A scream came from inside the house, but it wasn't Percy.

Cassie woke from her trance and stumbled back against Stiles. He held her up, allowing her the moment of weakness in front of him. She looked around and saw Scott reaching into a vent and Derek on the floor, with Katie trying to wake him.

"That bullet would be really useful about now!" Katie yelled at Scott.

"I've got it!" Scott pulled the bullet out the vent.

Cassie ran over to Katie's side and slapped Derek, waking him up. Scott ran over and handed Derek the bullet as Katie and Cassie helped him stand up.

Derek opened the bullet and put the herbs on the table. He pulled out a lighter and lit them so a small fire emerged, and Cassie took a step back. Stiles but his hand on the small of her back and looked to see if she was okay.

Derek scooped the herbs into his hand and pushed them into the wound, yelling out in pain in the process and collapsing to the floor. Katie ran to his side and held his arm in place to see if the wound was healing, and it was.

"That... was... awesome! Yes!" Stiles exclaimed, then noticed his hand on Cassie's back and quickly moved.

Derek sat up and Katie immediately hugged him, and he hugged her back.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked him.

"Well, except for the agonising pain." Derek and Katie stood up.

"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health." Stiles commented, earning a glare from Derek.

"Okay. We saved your life. Which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that?" Scott said. "And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad, and I'm gonna tell him everything-"

"You're gonna trust them?" Katie asked. "You think they can help you?"

"Well, why not?" Scott shrugged. "They're a lot freaking nicer than you guys."

Derek scoffed. "I can show you exactly how nice they are."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, furrowing his brows.

Derek parked his car at the Beacons Crossing Home and climbed out, followed by Katie and Scott doing the same.

"What are we doing here?" Scott asked, following the others inside.

"You want to see how nice the Argents really are? This way." Katie said to him.

They walked into a room and flicked on the lights. A man sat in a chair, facing the wall.

"Who is he?" Scott asked

Derek said. "My uncle. Peter Hale."
While Katie said. "My father."

"Is he... Like you, werewolves?" Scott asked them.

"I'm not a werewolf, per say. But a Werecoyote." Katie told him, looking at Peter in the chair. "But, he was."

"Now he's barely even human." Derek mumbled. "Six years ago, my sister and I were at School, and our house caught fire."

"I was at home that day, and got caught in it." Katie added, looking over at Scott. "Twelve people were trapped inside. Me and him were the only survivors."

"So... what makes you so sure that they set the fire?" Scott asked

Derek scoffed. "Cause they're the only ones that knew about us."

"Well, then, they had a reason." Scott said

"Are you serious?" Katie turned to him. "The excuse is that 'they had a reason'? So, them knowing some of us weren't human was a good enough reason to burn down a house with a family inside?"

"Tell me what justifies this." Derek spun Peter's chair around to reveal the burn mark across half of his face. "They say they'll only kill an adult, and only with absolute proof, but there were people in our family that were human."

Cassie looked at her house from the passenger seat of Stiles's jeep. She felt as though she could still hear the screams and see the fire.

Stiles sighed. "You okay?"

"Perfectly fine." Cassie said, her eyes focused on the house. She opened the door and climbed out of the house.

"If I may ask, what happened back at the Animal Clinic?" Stiles asked

"What?" She looked at him through the keep window.

"You zoned out when Katie pulled you away from Derek, then seemed to be in a panic when you got back from the trance."

"Are you going soft on me, Stilinski?" Cassie smiled, then chuckled and said. "It's normal for some witches." Then walked towards her house.

Cassie got inside and walked up to her room. She clicked a few buttons on the printer and the picture of a gasoline container and matches began to print out. On her desk, her stack of papers she had written on were sprawled out, just like how she left it.

"Why am I now thinking back to the fire?" Cassie murmured to herself.

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