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Cassie arrived at school the next day after a call from Scott saying he got home. She walked over to her locker and opened it, putting away a book. Stiles and Scott walked over to her before she could walk off though.

"What do you want?" She sighed, closing her locker but keeping her hand in place on the door.

"Scott needs a way to not shift when on the field, but we're not really sure on how to do that. So we- Scott was wondering, if there was any way you knew how to stop that." Stiles told her, putting a hand in his pocket.

"Why would I know? I'm not a werewolf." She said.

"You're not a werewolf?" Stiles leaned forward slightly.

"No." She shook her head

Scott could smelt the faint stench of a fire somewhere nearby. He looked around, then turned back to Cassie, seeing something red by her hand. "Cassie?"

Cassie pulled her hand away from her locker, revealing a small burn mark on the door.

"So, you're not a werewolf, and you burn things." Stiles mumbled, his arms waving around a bit as he spoke.

"Not exactly." She mumbled and walked off.

"Never any answers." Stiles dropped his hands to his sides.

"Just more questions." Scott added

The game started later in the evening and Lydia dragged Atlas over to it. Scott and Stiles were walking past so Lydia grabbed hold of Scott's shirt to pull him closer.

"Scott. I just want you to remember one thing for tonight." Lydia said

Atlas rolled her eyes and walked over to the stands to get a seat.

"Uhh... winning isn't everything?" Scott replied

Lydia chuckled and straightened Scott's shirt. "Nobody likes a loser." With that, Lydia walked off to the stands.

But just before Scott could walk over to the other players, Katie stopped him.

"You want to stop yourself from sifting, correct?" Katie asked

"Yes." Scott nodded. "Desperately."

"Okay. You need an anchor first. Something that reminds you you're human." She said. "Do you have something?"

"Yes. I think." Scott nodded again.

"Okay. When you feel like you're about to shift, think about the anchor and repeat 'Alpha, Beta, Omega'." Katie then walked off before Scott could reply.

The game began as Cassie arrived at the field. She walked over to Katie, who was standing by the bench instead of the stands.

"Still burning everything?" Katie asked, her eyes locked on the game

"Kind of, yeah." Cassie sighed

"Hey, at least it's not turning water into ice." Katie shrugged

"That's true." Cassie nodded.

A point was soon scored to the 'Home' side - which was Beacon Hills, and everyone cheered. Scott looked off the pitch and saw Lydia and Allison holding up a 'We Luv U Jackson' sign. But he also noticed Atlas smiling at him, so he smiled back.

"Oh, this is not going to be good." Stiles muttered from the bench

"Clearly." Katie walked over, with Cassie behind her.

"Which one's Scott again?" Allison's father - Argent - asked.

"Number eleven." Lydia replied. "Otherwise known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball this entire game."

"Don't be too hard on him." Atlas nudged Lydia

"I hope he's okay." Allison mumbled

"You're only saying that because you like him." Lydia hummed to Atlas

"What- No! I don't like him." Atlas shook her head

Katie looked around and noticed that Lydia and Allison were holding up another sign to help Jackson's ego, but Allison didn't look too happy about it. She then noticed Allison's father sitting beside her and Katie's eyes widened.

"What's wrong?" Cassie nudged her

"There's a hunter." Katie whispered to her. "Chris Argent."

Cassie felt her blood run cold. "Let's just hope he doesn't realise there's Supernatural creatures here."

The game continued and Scott held onto the ball until he threw it in the goal, and everyone cheered.

"Yes!" Stiles jumped up.

"Pass to McCall!" Coach yelled

At the next point, the other team threw the ball directly to Scott.

"Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?" Coach sat down beside Stiles, who was chewing on his glove.

"Yes, I believe so, Coach." Stiles nodded

"Scott can be very persuasive." Cassie butted into the conversation

"Interesting." Coach smiled

Scott threw the next shot and it went straight through the goalie's Lacrosse stick. While Coach argued with the ref and other coach, Cassie and Katie noticed Scott's behaviour. Cassie went to walk over, but Katie pulled her back.

"Not yet." Katie shook her head

The game continued, but Scott continued to act up.

"Scott, no, no." Stiles stood up

But Scott there the ball at the last few scores and scored, making Beacon Hills the winner of the game. Scott ran off towards the school when everyone began to cheer though. Stiles turned around and saw his dad on the phone.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Stiles asked him, but was immediately shut down.

"Can you handle Scott, if possible?" Katie asked Stiles

"Yeah. I think he ran off inside the school." Stiles mumbled

"Yeah. Me and Cassie have to get home." Katie nodded

That's when Noah Stilinski walked over. "The medical examiner got back to me. The wounds were from an animal attack, not a human. Therefore, Derek couldn't have done it. We're releasing him."

"What?!" Stiles exclaimed

"Yep. And they've identified both parts. It was his sister: Laura Hale." Noah glanced over at Katie after. "I'm sorry for your loss."

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