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Derek parked the car at a Food Mart and climbed out to get some petrol. Katie stayed in the passenger's seat and the two noticed a few cars park around them.

A familiar man - Argent - got out of the car in front of them as Katie also got out of the car and walked over to Derek. Two others had gotten out of the car behind them as well. Derek put the petrol tube back.

"Nice ride." Argent said as he walked closer. "Black cars, though. Very hard to keep clean." He began to scrub a bit of dirt off the car with his fingers. "I would definitely suggest a little more maintenance. If you have something this nice, you're gonna want to take care of it, right?" He wiped down the windows with a window cleaner from a nearby bucket. "Personally, I'm very protective of the things I love. But that's something I learned from my family. And you don't have much of that these days. Do you?"

Katie stepped forward to at least scratch him for a minimum, but Derek grabbed her arm and held her back. While he did that, Derek clenched his fist into a ball. His nails dug into Katie's arm too. But he let go.

Argent nodded. "There we go. You can actually look through your windshield now. See how that makes everything so much clearer?" He turned around and walked back over to his car.

"You forgot to check the oil." Derek told him, and Katie gave Derek a look of confusion.

Argent turned back around. "Check their oil." He said to one of the other men.

The man walked over to the driver's side of the car and smashed the window in, making glass fall everywhere inside the car. "Looks good to me." He said before walking back to his own car.

"Hey!" Katie yelled, but Derek stopped her again.

"Drive safely." Argent said before walking to his car and getting in. Both cars drove off, leaving Derek and Katie there.

"Those assholes.." Katie muttered

"Leave it." Derek told her.

Derek looked down at the man in the hospital bed. Katie stood to the side of the room, looking at the medical equipment.

"Open your eyes." Derek told the man, but nothing happened. So he said it again, more sternly. "Open your eyes."

"He's unconscious, Der." Katie turned her head

But the man's eyes opened as he woke up and took in his surroundings.

"Look at me." Derek said, with Katie walking over.

The man lifted his head up and looked at the two.

"What do you remember?" Derek asked him

"Hale." The man looked at them both

"How do you know our name?" Derek asked

"I'm sorry." He murmured

"How do you know us?" Derek asked

"I'm sorry." The man replied, moving his head back to its previous position.

Katie lifted her hand up and her claws grew. "I can get the information out another way."

"He's too injured for that." Derek muttered

"And I don't want to visit my dad for the answers." She responded

Derek's expression changed to one of frustration and Katie looked out the window on the door to see if anyone was coming. A beeping noise filled the room and Katie turned around to see that the man was dead, but with no extra cuts or wounds.

"Let's go." Derek told Katie.

Scott arrived at the Hale house as fast as he could. He pushed the door open and ran inside. "Derek!" He yelled. "I know you're both here! And I know what you did!"

Katie appeared at the top of the stairs looking down at him. "Derek didn't do anything."

Scott walked towards the stairs, stopping at the bottom. "He killed him!"

"No he didn't." Katie shook her head

"And his sister." Scott began to walk up the stairs.

"Went missing." Katie replied. "And found in two. Being used as bait."

"I think he killed them both." Scott reached the stop of the stairs.

Katie's eyes glowed blue, and her fangs and claws came out. Derek appeared before she could do anything though, and pushed Scott down the stairs.

The anger built up inside Scott, resulting in him shifting. Derek jumped down the stairs and Scott threw him through a wall.

"Watch it!" Katie yelled after she jumped down the stairs.

Derek got off the floor after dusting himself off and rolled his shoulders back. "That was cute." He took off his leather jacket. And that's when he too shifted just before Scott approached to attack him again.

"Hopefully, Cassie's having more fun than me." Katie sighed and walked into the room to see Derek hitting Scott against the wall repeatedly before throwing him against a table.

Both werewolves threw punches and attacks at one another and Katie watched, mostly enjoying the show. It wasn't until Katie heard the slicing of flesh that she decided to intervene. She put a hand on Derek's shoulder as a flimsy way of holding him back.

"I didn't kill him. None of us did." Derek told Scott. "It's not your fault. It definitely wasn't Katie's. And it's not mine.."

"This?" Scott stood up, glaring at Derek. "This is all your fault! You ruined my life!"

"No I didn't." Derek said

"You're the one who bit me." Scott replied

"No he wasn't!" Katie pushed Scott back.

"What?" Scott looked at them both, his voice still fuelled with anger.

"I'm not the one who bit you." Derek said

Scott put his hand on his wound and stumbled back to sit on the sofa. "There's another."

"It's called an Alpha." Says Derek. "The most dangerous of our kind. You and I, we're betas. This thing is more powerful, more animal, than either of us. Than Katie."

"Hey!" Katie glared at him, but knew it was true.

Derek continued to talk to Scott. "My sister came here looking for him. Now we're trying to find him. But I don't think I can do it without you."

"Why me?" Scott asked

"You're a part of his pack, Scott. He was the one that bit you." Katie explained. "And you're one of the two he wants."

"Who else does he want?" Derek asked her, his expression staying straight.

Katie looked at him. "Cassie."

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