Nightmare luxury

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August 20th, 2024. 12:00. Setting:city. New characters:none

Being new at a school is a challenge, one slip and people slap a big mark on your forehead that says "Weirdo!" On it. The six eye just add to the already hard obstacles, Kokushibo's whole childhood was full of nothing but pain and misery. No happiness, no love, no respect. If he wanted to be respected, what better way to gain respect by scaring others to respect him? But, he couldn't do that..he's new, many in two or three months? Kokushibo was just walking in the streets, getting stares by everyone he passed by. He was use to this now, it was his life now. He began wondering a few things about his new school and how everything functions. While he was thinking, he bumped into a small pregnant woman and her husband. Was he thinking that hard to not know they were standing right there?

" apologies I didn't me-" He was quickly cut off by the woman screaming when she saw his face. He flinched and covered his ears, he hasn't heard a scream that loud in ages. He saw the woman stand behind her husband for protection, as if Kokushibo was that heartless to harm a pregnant woman. "MONSTER!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She cried, her words stinging Kokushibo in his heart. He just stood there and tried to make the woman understand he wasn't going to harm her. "'am, you have it all wrong, I'm not trying to harm you. I'm just trying to-" "Yeah right, you probably eat humans like those cruel, heartless creatures of your kind!! Just look at you! Your skin is as dark as the night sky and those eyes mean nothing but cruelty!!" Now Kokushibo was stunned. Did this woman just say his skin color was as dark as the night sky? T-..that had to be labeled as racism, right? Right? He felt embarrassed by how this woman was treating him, so, he just walked away while she kept screaming 'monster, monster!' 'Demon, you blood thirsty little bitch!' 'Your kind should be dead by now!'. He should've known to bring his jacket outside, he couldn't take this anymore. How was everyone at his school so blend in with humans while he was as stuck out as the moon in a dark sky?

As Kokushibo got home the house was empty, nobody was there. Only a note and his dad's card. It said, "We'll be out for a week to go celebrate Yoriichi's birthday at Disney land, left my card with you." Kokushibo was left out yet again, it was his birthday too. They're twins! Just because he inherited the curse doesn't mean he's actually cursed..right? He sighed and walked upstairs to his room, he hated living here. He set his bag down on his desk and changed into some pajamas, laying down wouldn't hurt him as much as getting called a monster and being told his skin color is dark. Now that was a new one, but still. He laid down on his bed and went to sleep, hopefully he could just wake up and realize he was just feeling under the weather..hopefully.

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