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As we all woke up, Amber was facing me as she laughed softly.
"Good morning AJ"
I felt her hand on my face. It felt so soft and gentle. What's... wrong with me?
"G-Good morning... Amber"
I heard her soft giggle. I covered my face and turned to the other side of the bed. I felt my cheeks swell up as I blushed heavily. She crawled over to me softly and shook me lightly.
"Wake up AJ... You have to get upppp, We're gonna be late for school if you don't get up!"
Amber chuckled softly as I turned over to face her. I slept in my boxers and cardigan. It wasn't to weird because they slept in their undergarments too. I guess. I got up and got into my uniform and walked down stairs to Amber's kitchen. I looked at Adeline and Audrina who were already sitting at the dining table, and turned back to Amber.
"You can sit AJ, it's okay!"
Amber never talks this sweet to anyone... Maybe it's just because of my encounter with Bianca... I sat down next to Audrina and ate the food slowly. I felt so out of it today. And I hated physical touch too. So... why did it feel so comforting when Amber cupped my cheek?.. I don't like her more than a friend.. do I? We all finished eating as we headed out.
As we were walking to school, I felt a hand grab onto my wrist. I turned back to see Bianca.
"AJ! Please, Let me talk to you."
Bianca pleaded and held onto my wrist with a firm but not in a hurting manner.
I looked at the other three who didn't notice anything and I talked with Bianca.
"AJ. I'm really sorry. Please, I didn't mean it. I'll be better, I'll change. I shouldn't have done it in the first place. Please AJ. Forgive me."
I looked Bianca in the eyes, there were tears falling down her red cheeks. I wiped them off with my cardigan.
"I forgive you Bianca, but please... don't touch me without permission."
She nodded as we both smiled. I missed that warm smile. She hesitated to cup my cheeks, so I grabbed her wrists and places her hands on my cheeks softly. I'm just scared on what else she possibly could do. I hope she isn't that bad. I don't want to believe it. Bianca...
I love you.

At School

I saw Bianca and her friends walking around. Bianca ran up to me, holding my hands softly. Her hands were like clouds. So soft. I missed her touch more than I thought. I soon saw Tyler, making his way towards Bianca.
Bianca pulled away from me and looked at Tyler with such loving eyes. God, I wish she could stare at me that way.
"Bianca, Can I take you to the festival?"
I saw Tyler extend his hand towards Bianca. It hurt my heart knowing Bianca would probably say yes to Tyler, especially when she liked him so much.
"...Sorry, I'm going with AJ. You can ask my little sister if you'd like! Or maybe..."
She walked towards him and whispered something in his ear and pushed him away.

Bianca's Point of View

"...Sorry, I'm going with AJ. You can ask my little sister if you'd like! Or maybe..."
I walked towards him, whispering something into his ear.
"If your that desperate, why don't you ask your ex? Or... Your own girlfriend?"
I pushed him away and walked back towards AJ. Did Tyler think I liked him? Oh please...
I only love AJ. I'll make her Mine.

AJ's Point of View

I felt Bianca hug me softly. I laid my head on her shoulder when we hugged. I then felt her back away from the hug.
"Will you go to the festival with me, AJ?"
Bianca asked me out? What?...
"Y-Yeah... Yeah, I'll go with you... Bianca"
I smiled happily. She was jumping so much from happiness, I thought I'd die!
I felt her hug me tighter. I love this girl so much. Please, Love me forever... Bianca.

At Lunch

I was walking around with Bianca. We were talking about what we would wear. Honestly I just wanted to match. She wanted to look cute.
"I wanna look cute next to my beloved!"
I felt her wrap her arms around my own arm. She looked, somewhat cute. I heard someone call out my name and Bianca's.
"AJ! Bianca!"
We turned around to see Beatrice running after us.
"Bianca! Why'd you make Tyler ask me to the festival?!"
Beatrice and Bianca were yelling at each other. I split them apart because I can't have two sisters fighting. It's... scary. I stayed silent because I was scared to say something. I waited for both of them to cool down as well.
"I... Can take both of you to the festival..."
I looked away from the two. I felt them both hug me from behind.
"Of course you can! We can meet by the gate!"
Bianca said as she smiled with Beatrice. I nodded at the idea.
"I'm gonna go to class, Bye you two"
I waved at the two and yawns as I walked down the stairs to my practice studio. I walked in to see just Adeline in there, cleaning up by herself.
"Oh, hey AJ!"
I looked around, no sign of Amber or Audrina. I looked back at Adeline and smiled.
"Just you?"
"Yeah, I was practicing alone, I got a bit bored. I don't know where the other two are if that's why you came in here."
I chuckled lightly.
"No, it's okay. I just wanted to know who was in here. Did you wanna hang out today? One on one, Adeline?"
I saw her smile. It was pretty!
"Mhm! We can walk to the mall too!"
I nodded as we headed outside the school building. It was fun being around others. I never thought I'd want friends, or even be in a band like this.

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