This Feels like Home

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I bumped into Bianca on my way to class. I was going down the stairs when she was going up. We stared at each other for a second, but I ran down the staircase before she could tell me anything. I love her, but she's gonna hurt me.
I just know it.

Bianca's Point of View

I saw AJ run pass me. Why? Did I do something wrong? I just wanted to talk to her. Maybe they were right. I need to apologize.

After School

I walked around with Miranda and Una to the front, since Sara left early. Normally, we would wait for Sara because she always came out late. We walked past AJ and her stupid friends. They were the ones who hurt Miranda. I can't believe AJ.

AJ's Point of View

Me and my band members, along with the class president, walked past Bianca and her friends.
"Ugh, That was her,"
"I forgot how hideous she looked not gonna lie man,"
They were all laughing. I didn't feel to good...

A Couple Hours Later

I don't know what happened... I woke up in the infirmary at school. What... Happened to me? I looked around to see Amber, Adeline, and Audrina in the infirmary. I saw Bianca too. Why was she in here?..
"Why are you in here Bianca?"
Amber glared at Bianca.
"I came looking for AJ. I need to talk to her."
Bianca was looking down, I saw her clenching her skirt.
"For what. You're probably gonna attempt to hit her again. I wouldn't be surprised, since you're Bianca."
Audrina laughed quietly as she said that. I stood up slowly and looked at all of them.
"Bianca... You needed... to talk right?.."
I tilted my head as I asked the question. She nodded and we stepped out of the infirmary.
"AJ. I'm... Really sorry. I shouldn't have attempted to hit you. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Please, forgive me."
Bianca held my hands softly. I missed this.
I missed Bianca's Touch.
I heard Amber yell out as Adeline ran towards us to grab me. Bianca took off down the stairs as I stumbled behind her. She held my hand tighter and ran out of the school's exit. I looked back to see Amber, Adeline, and Audrina behind me. I held my hand out but before they could grab it, Bianca slammed the door shut on them.
She didn't turn back as she held onto my hand. I saw the other three scrambling around, looking for me. I don't know what happened. I'm scared.
I'm scared Bianca.
We walked into an empty alleyway, it was cold and dark. I don't know what Bianca wants. Bianca turned around and faced me.
"I've been wanting to do this for so long."
She gripped her shoulders tightly.
"Relax, okay?"
She grinned as she let go of my shoulders and unbuttoned my cardigan. I teared up and got to scared to run off. As she took off my cardigan, it fell to the floor. I cried as she ran her hands down my body.
Bianca. Why?

As Bianca was about to unbutton my shirt, Amber grabbed Bianca by the back of her hair. Adeline hugged me from behind softly and put my cardigan back on me. Amber and Audrina were both yelling at Bianca.
Audrina yelled out at Bianca. Adeline held me tight and cradled me. Adeline pulled me out of the dark alleyway.
"Are you okay AJ? Did she do anything further?"
Adeline looked at me with teary eyes. I've never seen someone care so much about me that they'd cry.
"N-No... I-I'm... okay."
I hugged Adeline tightly and cries into her chest. I didn't want to get her uniform wet, but I couldn't hold my tears anymore. Amber and Adeline walked out of the alleyway as I heard Bianca stumbled out the other way.
"Are you okay? Come here AJ,"
Amber hugged me softly after Adeline let me go.
"Did you want us to walk you home?"
Audrina looked at me.
"N-No... I don't wanna go home... I hate it there. I don't... wanna go... to that house..."
I sobbed in Amber's arms.
"I don't like my big sister... I hate my mom... my dad... I don't... even know him that well... I just... wanna be a normal kid... Please...
Someone take me away."
I gripped onto Amber's sleeves tightly and cried heavily. I felt Amber rub my back. Please... Amber, Someone, Somebody.
Take me home...

At Night

We stayed over at Audrina's for a sleepover. I don't wanna go home. I don't even want to CALL that place home. Not after my sister coming back from college. I held onto at least someone or something the whole night. We planned for this weekend again. It was only in a couple days. We were going to go to the mall and get lunch there. While we were all talking, I got a call from Bianca. Amber picked up the phone for me.
"Sorry, This is Amber speaking. AJ doesn't wanna talk to you right now. Call again tomorrow"
Amber hung up on Bianca and they all laughed. I didn't find anything funny that night. I hated this world. Why is it so cruel?
Why can't the one person I want to love, not love me through lust. I want true love.
I want a soulmate.
I want... So many things.
I wish my sister never touched me.
I wish she wasn't born.
I wish for so many things.
What I wish for the most?
I wish for Bianca to love me, not lust for me.
"AJ? You okay?"
They were all staring at me when Adeline asked. I nodded slowly and yawned.
"We should go to sleep, it's like already 11 P.M."
Amber said as we all headed up to her room. Audrina and Adeline slept on her couch while I slept in Amber's bed. She hugged me before we fell asleep and turned back to her side.
I hate this world, but I love it too.

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