A New Kind of Love

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I was walking out with Adeline after school once the bell rang. We both saw Amber and Audrina walking together. I assumed they were just getting along together, but then I heard Adeline speak.
"...Do you know why we aren't talking anymore?.. Or did they not tell you..."
I looked at Adeline as she told me this.
"What happened between you guys?.."
She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Just tears falling down from her cheeks.
"They told me they didn't wanna be friends anymore. I don't know why... They kicked me out of the band too..."
Adeline clung onto me, tightening her grasp on my cardigan.
"Please... AJ... Don't leave me..."
I patted Adeline's head and looked at Amber and Audrina as they walked away from the campus.
"I'll talk to them tomorrow..."
Adeline nodded and we went out to the mall as we planned.

Next day at school

I was walking with Bianca through the halls because she found me walking through the gate this morning. I then saw Amber and Audrina picking on Adeline on their way up the stairs.
"I'll be right back Bianca"
I slipped out of Bianca's grasp on my arm and ran towards them.
"Amber! Audrina!"
I ran after them up the stairs. I saw Adeline's hair getting pulled on by Amber and Audrina laughing at Adeline. Why had they turned on Adeline so fast?
"Oh! AJ... What do you want."
All three of them stared at me.
"What're you two doing to Adeline?!"
I raised my voice. I've never done that.
"We're teaching this b̶i̶t̶c̶h̶ a lesson."
They both glared at Adeline.
"She's to soft to play with us. She sucks at practice. And she is NOT EVEN GOOD AT THE DRUMS."
I saw Amber yell at Adeline.
"Why do you hate her so much?"
I stared at Amber and Audrina.
I realized what happened. It was all Audrina's fault.
It was Audrina all along.
I stared at them, contemplating on what to say.
"...So... You believed Audrina over Adeline?"
I stared at Amber in disappointment. Amber stumbled around her words. Not knowing what to say. I'm not stupid. It wasn't Adeline's fault.
"Yes. Audrina showed me proof. Audrina was getting harassed by Adeline."
I glared at Audrina who seemed nervous by the confrontation.
"Where is it then. I'd like to see for myself."
I held my hand out as Amber gave me her phone to look at what Audrina had sent her. I looked through the messages. I didn't feel surprised. I saw that Audrina had edited the text messages.
"Let me see your phone Audrina. I want to see if the texts Adeline supposedly sent, were real."
I held my hand out to Audrina, but she was defiant. I knew she was lying.
"You don't need my phone! That's enough proof!"
Audrina yelled at me. I was getting tired of Audrina. I snatched her phone and looked at the messages. Audrina was threatening Adeline. I stared back at the three.
"Amber. I am highly disappointed..."
I stared at Adeline and helped her up.
"You guys were supposed to be a better example for younger students like myself. Seems like you guys are to irresponsible for that."
I threw Audrina's phone back at her and walked down the staircase with Adeline. I heard Amber and Audrina fighting. I don't care though. It's not my problem. I'm not in the band anymore. I'll make a new one.
With Adeline.
I looked at her.
"I'm so—"
I heard her cut me off on accident.
"I'm sorry! I should have told you sooner! I'm a terrible friend and I'm so sorry AJ!"
I felt her hug me tightly, despite me being half her height. I tippy-toed and hugged her back.
"You're not a bad friend. You were just surrounded by bad people... It's... okay Adeline."
I felt her tighten our hug which made me cough slightly.
"I...I'm here for you Adeline..."
"I love you AJ... You're the best girl I have ever met.."
I heard her sniffle and whimper as she said this. I smiled softly at this beautiful response.
"I love you too Adeline"
We both meant this platonically, after all, Adeline's straight.
She let go of me after a while and I just stared up at her as she tried wiping her tears. I tippy-toed again to wipe the tears off her cheeks.
"Can... Can we go to the restroom? Please? I... I need to tell you something really... Personal..."
I saw her look down again.
"Of course"
We walked to the women's restroom on the second floor. As I proceeded to open the door, it was dead empty. So, Me and Adeline stayed in there. Adeline looked at me like she was worried.
"Please... Promise me this AJ..."
I looked at Adeline who was tearing up again.
"Do you know why I always wear a jacket or sweater over my uniform?.."
I shook my head. I never wondered that.
"I think... It's about time I told you..."
I heard her sigh quietly.
"I... Uhm..."
I gasped when she told me. I was worried about her. She took off her jacket and showed me her scars. I felt so bad. I couldn't do anything about it.
"I'm sorry... I couldn't stay clean... I.. I couldn't... handle it.. I had to AJ... Please... Forgive me.. I'm so sorry.."
I looked back up at Adeline who started to sob again. I saw her fall to the floor onto her knees and sob heavily. I frowned and crouched down, pulling her into a gentle embrace.
"It's okay. It's not your fault Adeline. You don't deserve any of this. You're a wonderful woman."
"I'm so sorry AJ..."
I felt her cup my cheeks and move some hair away from my ear. I then felt her press her lips against my cheek. Instead of making me feel fear and grossed out. I instead felt... A bit happy, relieved, and... flustered?
Do I love Adeline?

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