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The Oxford Dictionary defines "rut" as "a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change

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The Oxford Dictionary defines "rut" as "a habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change." The word is also defined as "a long, deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles." There is some comfort to be taken in the second definition, for when you find yourself stuck in a rut, you can be sure others have been there before you.

Riley has been stuck in a rut. Well, more like a mind rut. Her self-hating, anxiety driven thoughts have plagued her mind for years. The only remedy she's ever found was chaos, being in a constant state of work, never taking the time to do anything but breathe. Her grandparents and Loren worried for her. Josh called her crazy. But that's the way she preferred to live. It was easier to jump into action than allow her true emotions to surface.

But she's in a mind rut. This always happens over summer break. There's never enough for her to actually do, so her thoughts and suppressed emotions have more of a chance to break free. And they always break free.

Which is why she finds herself dancing against some guy whose name she forgot the moment he told her.

Her, Loren, and one of their teammates Kamila had decided to spend their Friday evening out on the town. Which for them means getting as drunk as possible. Or for Riley, finding someone new to make out with.

The guy behind her should've done the job, but Riley was unable to silence her mind. Sighing, she doesn't bother to say anything to him before weaving through the crowd in search for her friends.

She's just made eye contact with Loren when a body slams into her, the persons beverage spilling onto the front of her tank top. "Shit."

"Oh god. I'm so sorry." The person, man, apologizes. He reaches out his hands, as if to wipe the liquid from her shirt, but pauses and sets them by his sides. "Uh, here! Take my jacket."

The material is practically thrown at Riley, who barely manages to catch it. "Thanks? It's really fine." She stretches the jacket out to him.

"If you won't take my jacket, let me buy you a drink." He offers.

"On second thought, I'll take the jacket." The material is soft, a slight hint of smoke lingering on the collar. Her eyes catch sight of the logo resting above her heart. "Firefighter?"

"Yeah. I'm a part of the 118." He reaches one hand out again. "Evan, but people usually call me Buck."

Riley quirks her brow at the nickname. "Riley, and I don't really have any nicknames." Josh - and now Maddie - call her spike. But they're the only ones.

"Well, Riley. I'm sorry about your shirt, but you can use my jacket to cover."

Evan moves to leave and Riley calls his name. "How do I get your jacket back to you?"

"Do you like milkshakes? There's a place near the station that's got a killer chocolate shake. We could meet there round 2 tomorrow?"

Riley nods, not working until later tomorrow. Evan tells her the name of the shop and they leave with a promise of meeting the next day.

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