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"She fell asleep and didn't wake up until the final song!"

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"She fell asleep and didn't wake up until the final song!"

The table of six erupts into laughter, except for Riley who tries not to die of embarrassment. Her grandmother has been telling childhood stories of her since they ordered their drinks, and has told more than Riley hoped for between then and the group finishing their food. The current story is of her first concert; The Cheetah Girls. Riley remembers begging her mom to see them, and she finally relented, only for seven year old Riley to fall asleep halfway through the second song and not wake until the very end.

"In my defense, school was exhausting that day."

"Why? Was it show and tell?" Josh snorts across from her.

"Yes." Riley doesn't let his teasing bother her. "And I brought in my Zhu Zhu pet. I had to chase Ella Schwartz all recess to get it back."

Forty minutes and one molten chocolate cake later, the group is outside saying their goodbyes. Riley watches fondly as her grandfather shakes Buck's hand before her grandmother pulls him in for a hug. Her grandparents move on to do the same to Josh and Maddie, leaving Buck and Riley alone again.

"Your grandparents are great. I see why you think so highly of them."

Riley smiles at the couple, her grandfather waving his hands as he says something to Josh - most likely a story from his Navy days. "Yeah they're amazing." She glances up at Buck. "They seem to really like you." Buck grins bashfully. "I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Maddie said you have to rest for a couple weeks. I know that must be tough."

Buck is a mover. He never sits still. He's always got to be doing something, which is why he loves being a firefighter so much. The thrill of the scene, helping people, doing something worthwhile. And now that he's off work due to his injury, he doesn't have that. He can't be moving as much right now, and it's driving him crazy.

"They want me to go through the academy again, do the recertification test. So at least I have that to look forward to." Even after all his surgeries - with the last one being not that long ago - Buck can't wait to get the all clear from his doctor so he can start training. He wants to be back on the field as soon as possible. "Hey, why did you visit me in the hospital? Not that I didn't want you there or anything - but uh last we talked seemed like the end."

Josh had been the one to drag Riley to the hospital, saying they needed to be there for Maddie. Then he and Maddie left, leaving Riley alone in the room with an unconscious Buck. Riley didn't realize how much she had missed him until then. How empty she felt with him out of her life.

She wants to tell him this. Tell him all she wants is him - back in her life, with her, whatever. As long as he's there. But that nagging, degrading voice creeps into the back of her mind. No one wants you. Your own father said that. He's better off without you. And she believes it.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

And the emptiness within seems to grow deeper.

A/N: I couldn't make it that easy

A/N: I couldn't make it that easy

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Beautiful Things - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now