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The cold air nips at her skin, turning her nose a burning shade of red

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The cold air nips at her skin, turning her nose a burning shade of red. Riley stares up at the sky, sticking her tongue out to catch snowflakes. For a moment, just for a moment, she can pretend she's somewhere else. Arandelle maybe. Brook and Robby have been obsessed with Frozen since it was in theaters months prior. The three siblings talked about living there, where life seemed simpler.

Something soft and wet hits her cheek, knocking her out of her thoughts. Riley turns to find Dallin laughing hysterically. Like, bent over-hands slapping knees hysterically. "You should've seen your face!"

Sneering, Riley grabs her own pile of snow and flings it his way. She smirks when it smacks him right between his eyes, effectively shutting him up.

"Okay, rude." Dallin spits out some snow. "I was only trying to bring you back to real life, Elsa."

Riley groans. "I hate when you call me that." Dallin's only reason for using that nickname had been because of her hair. Which isn't even that light! But there was nothing she could say to get him to stop.

Dallin moves close to grab her hands, pulling the blonde into his chest. Riley grins when their lips press together. She enjoys being with Dallin. He distracts her from her life.

"What time do you have to be home?" Riley has been with the boy since school ended hours ago. She's been spending the afternoons with him for weeks. It was better than being home.

"Mom said eleven."

Dallin chuckles and pulls away, checking his phone. "So, three hours ago?"

Riley curses, grabbing her backpack laying on the curb and slinging it onto her right shoulder. Dallin grabs her hand and the two make their way to the apartment building Riley lives in.

The past couple of weeks passed way too slowly for Riley. The Christmas season seemed to last forever. Riley was grateful when her final semester of classes began, it was something else to keep her busy. With that, work, and the end of her volleyball career coming up, Riley barely had time to think. And that was good. Because then she couldn't think about Buck.

Riley hates thinking about Buck. When she thinks about him, she misses him. When she misses him, all she wants is to call him and be with him. But that can't happen.

She also hasn't thought of her dad since Christmas either. That is, until a strange man appeared at her door the other day. He looked official. In one of those fancy firefighter suits she had only seen her dad wear once for a ceremony when she was in elementary.

The man spoke for some time before handing Riley an envelope. She was being summoned. The department was investigating her father, and she was called to testify. About that night.

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