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Have there ever been days you just absolutely hate? You just wake up, knowing what the day means, and all you wanna do is scream at the world? Like maybe that will make it better?

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Have there ever been days you just absolutely hate? You just wake up, knowing what the day means, and all you wanna do is scream at the world? Like maybe that will make it better?

That's how Riley feels four days of the year. She wakes up, and she wishes the day would fast forward. Maybe she wouldn't have to face the memories if the day was over. But no. If anything the day just lasts longer. Like the world is taunting her. Saying she has no choice but to make it through the day.

Loren had left a week ago to stay with her parents the remainder of their summer vacation. Riley wishes she were here. She's the only person in Los Angeles who knows why she struggles with this day. With those four days.

Riley's phone vibrates on the kitchen counter. It's a message from Buck. She's been ignoring him since last week. She thought he would've given up by now. But he keeps messaging. Riley doesn't want to ignore him. She wishes she could pick up her phone and text him back. But it's like her hands refuse to move.

A knock on the door interrupts her thoughts. Riley expects it to be the pizza she ordered, but is surprised to find Maddie standing before her. "I brought coffee!"

She hands Riley a cup as she makes her way inside. "Thanks. What are you doing here?"

"Sue said you sounded strange when you called in. So, I thought I'd come check on you. Make sure you're not dying." Riley flinches at her words, her hand gripping the cup tightly. "Oh no, did I say something?"

Riley shakes her head. "It's's just today isn't a good day."

Maddie sits in one of the barstools and offers Riley a sympathetic smile. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Riley goes to say no, but it's like the word gets caught in her throat. She thinks about what Loren said to her weeks ago, about avoiding her emotions. Maybe Maddie is someone she can confide in.

"Today is my sister's birthday." Riley sits in the other barstool.

"Oh. I didn't realize you have a sister."

"Had." Riley clarifies. "And a brother. They were both younger."

"How old would she be?"

"Thirteen. She couldn't wait to be a teenager. She was looking forward to getting her ears pierced." Riley sniffs. She, Brook, and Robby had a lot of things planned. There was so much the siblings wanted to do together. And now none of it would happen.

"Her, my brother, and my mom died five years ago."

"What about your dad?"

"He's alive." Riley admits. She had told Maddie and Athena last week that he was dead. "At least, I think he is. I haven't seen him since they died. He left me with my grandparents and didn't bother to keep in touch." She shrugs when Maddie begins to frown. "It's fine. He hadn't been there for me for years before then. It's not much different."

Maddie rests a hand on her shoulder. "But it should be."


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