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The drive to Riley's apartment was uncomfortably silent, the blonde and Buck both deep in their own thoughts

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The drive to Riley's apartment was uncomfortably silent, the blonde and Buck both deep in their own thoughts. They had plans to return to her apartment after dinner to watch their favorite Christmas movies. Riley wasn't sure that was still going to happen. She just keeps thinking about her dad and Buck. The man who abandoned her and the man she hopes never leaves are close, really close. They have a relationship.

She isn't sure how she feels about that.

The truck pulls into her apartment complex. The pair remain in their seats after Buck turns off the engine. Neither speak and it unnerves Riley. The two have never been known to prefer the quiet.

"Buck," her words come out a whisper. "I didn't - I don't - I know how close you and him are. And I - I" she stumbles over her words. She wishes the night had gone different. That this didn't happen. Why did he have to know her dad? "After my dad left, I told myself I would forget about him like he forgot about me. I haven't needed him in years, so it wasn't hard. My grandpa filled the father role and it was fine." She takes a deep breath and grabs his hand resting on the console. "You need him. He's done so much for you. And it fucking hurts knowing he's been there for you, but he couldn't be there for me." She hiccups, tears rolling down her face once again.

Buck shuffles in his seat so he's facing her, using their interlocked hands to pull Riley into his embrace. "I'm so sorry this happened. He took me in...I can't believe he's your dad."

He's conflicted, Riley can tell. That's not what she wants. She didn't mean for Buck to be questioning the one positive role model he's ever had.

Riley leans away so she can look in his eyes. "I don't want my dad in my life, he's hurt me enough. But you need him, and I want you to be happy."

"What are you saying?" Buck grips her hand tightly.

"I think - I think it's best if we don't continue...this." Saying that almost physically pains Riley. Buck is the best thing that's ever happened to her. But she wants nothing to do with her dad, and that can't happen with Buck. "I like you, a lot, but being with you means letting him back in my life. And I can't do that. And I won't ask you to remove him from yours."

With a pained expression, Buck squeezes her hand and nods. "This fucking sucks. But I know this is what you need. And I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Riley leans over to press a chaste kiss to his cheek, squeezing his hand as she pulls away. "Goodbye, Buck."

A/N: poor Riley 😬😬😬

A/N: poor Riley 😬😬😬

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