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    IT WAS A RAINY SUNDAY MORNING. Quitéra was really getting into the mood of the weather as she laid down in her bed staring blankly at the wall. Her eyes were red and swollen from the long night of sobbing she had done, her phone being filled with missed calls and ignored text messages from her parents and siblings. All the girl wanted was to cut herself off from reality and all the troubles that plagued her mind. And her usual way of shutting off from the world hadn't responded to her messages since the night prior. Quitéra felt pathetic for depending on Paige whenever she was upset, that's what made her feel even worse that night. And now she found herself sulking in bed on the gray-skied weekend.

"Hey, I'm out of the bathroom." KK stretched her arms as she walked out of the bathroom after a shower, her locs tied up into a ponytail. She noticed Quitéra's silence and walked over to the girls bed, the layout of their dorm not giving them much space nor privacy.

"Quitéra?" KK shook the girl gently, noticing that she was very much alive by the way she breathed but worried that she might've been having a heart attack the way she stared wide eyed at the wall. "You okay?"

Quitéra gave a slow nod in return. The guard was like a zombie in the current state she was in. KK sighed, pity filling her eyes. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand table and walked out into the hallway to give Quitéra some quiet, FaceTiming Azzi. After a few rings, Azzi finally answered, the girl lying down on a couch with a black hoodie over her head, rubbing her hand on her face with half-lidded eyes.

"Hm?" Azzi hummed tiredly.

"Girl it's 11 am, get that butt up." KK rolled her eyes at the girl. "Anyway, we have a problem. Quitéra's in a slump."

"What's wrong with her?" Azzi yawned as she sat up, setting her phone down to where her camera's focus was now on the ceiling.

"I don't know, but I think it'd cheer her up if we all just hung out. Like the team." KK shrugged. "We could go to an arcade. She's like obsessed with retro games. She has a whole collection of different PacMan games and the girl owns a DS—"

"Okay!" Azzi groaned. "KK, I'm really hungover. Call me back in an hour and we'll figure this out, okay?"

KK huffed but nodded in agreement. "Okay."

Azzi sighed and relaxed on the couch again, laying her head down. She was finally going to get some long awaited rest as she recovered from her massive headache. Nika walked into the living room and shook Azzi awake after what felt like two seconds of sleep, the curly-haired guard groaned in annoyance as she sat up.

𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐛𝐨𝐰𝐥 ◜ 𝚙𝚋. ◞Where stories live. Discover now