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    "I NEED TIME TO THINK ABOUT IT." The words echoed in Paige's head as she laid in her bed, back in the comfort of her own dorm room in Connecticut. She stared at the ceiling blankly as she kept thinking about the conversation they had just earlier that day, hours before their trip back home. As if the flight wasn't awkward enough, Paige consistently had to help Quitéra get from place to place because of her ankle. The two of them didn't utter a word to each other the entire time. Paige was left alone with her thoughts now and every time, her mind kept replaying that moment. It was a humbling experience for someone who had never faced rejection a day in her life but she still remained hopeful that Quitéra would come around.

"welcome back!" Nika walked in and sat down at the end of the bed. "How was North Carolina?"

"It was alright," she shrugged, not wanting to get into detail. It would've been amazing if it weren't for Amarion's irritating presence and the conversations and altercations that occurred between herself and the Golden Freshman. Nika squinted her eyes suspiciously.

"What happened?" She asked knowingly. Paige was sorely mistaken if she thought her teammate and friends of four years wouldn't catch onto her weird vibe.

Honestly, Paige just wanted to tell Nika everything. As far as she knew, no one else had any knowledge about what was going on between herself and Quitéra, only sneaking suspicions that Paige had a partner but other than that, they had no idea. She figured if she was going to tell anyone though, it'd be Nika or Azzi, the two people she was closest with on the team. Paige let out a defeated sigh and sat up to face Nika properly, scratching the back of her head as a bashful expression formed on her face.

"I don't know how to say this, it's a pretty long story." She let out a huff, struggling to find the words.

"I've got all the time in the world, Paige." Nika smiled at her reassuringly, reminding Paige as to why she was confiding in her again. Paige paused for a moment before she gave a slow nod.

"Some shit happened between Quitéra and I while we were gone."

"KK, you're actually being so unfair right now." Quitéra glared at KK, the two of them sitting on the couch and playing Mario Kart. They were in the company of Inês, Ashlynn, and Qadence, the girls sitting on the couch around them and watching the game intently.

"It's unfair to be better at you in Mario Kart?" KK rolled her eyes. "Girl, boo."

"KK!" Quitéra groaned when KK finished up her final lap in first place. The girl just shook her head and placed her controller in Ashlynn's hand so she could go up against KK next — who was now on her third winning streak of the afternoon.

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