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    QUITÉRA'S DAYS WERE FULL OF SUNSHINE. Being with Paige was the easiest thing she had ever done and definitely the best thing. Paige made her feel easy. She made her feel at home. Whenever they were alone, they were all over each other and even in public, they would give each other subtle but lovely acts of affection. Things like hugs or even something as small as a finger brushing against the other's skin. Everything felt right about the entire situation, Quitéra knew. She didn't want to jump ahead but she really hoped things could work out between them. Paige was a genuine girl and comforted Quitéra through her hardships while also keeping her grounded with her maturity. Paige was the balance she always needed in her life.

It was a morning practice on Sunday and the girls were wrapping up after doing hard drills as usual. Quitéra was looking forward to doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day since classes were off for the weekend. She grabbed her stuff and waited for Paige to get ready to go as well, the blonde talking to Nika and Aubrey for a few minutes before finally walking over to Quitéra with a warm smile on her face.

"Ready to go?" Paige wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulders, dragging her alongside her as she went for the door.

"Yup," Quitéra let out a small chuckle and wrapped her arm around Paige's waist in return.

Sometimes, she wondered if people were suspicious of them, but surprisingly , no one batted an eye at the way they treated each other. At least, she hoped no one did. Still, she knew if anyone had any questions about it, KK would be the first one to just come right out and say it, and so far she didn't hear a single thing about it from the girl.

"We should go out tonight." Paige said as they walked to Quitéra's dorm together.

"Yeah?" Quitéra smiled a bit. "Where?"

"To a restaurant, maybe." The blonde looked down at her. "If that's okay with you. I know you don't want to go public yet so—"

"It's okay." Quitéra rubbed Paige's back comfortingly. "Just two girls going out for some dinner. Nothing crazy."

Paige smiled at her with a nod, before turning her head away to look straight ahead of them. To be honest, Paige did feel a little bit insecure with the fact that they weren't out yet. She would be patient as long as Quitéra need but she wasn't sure how long she could hold back from kissing the girl in public.

The two of them finally stopped in front of Quitéra's dorm and shared a quick kiss like usual (that was after Quitéra's thorough inspection of the area to make sure no one saw them). Paige pulled away with a gentle smile on her lips.

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