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    QUITÉRA SAT AT THE TABLE, across from Paige the next morning, her curly hair covering her neck. She just kept staring at Paige intently. She just wanted to jump across the table and attack her with hungry kisses right then and there, but she knew she couldn't. She wondered if that was Paige's plan the night before, to keep Quitéra desperate. The entire house was silent save for the muffled sound of Quitéra's dad mowing the lawn coming from outside. Paige was eating spoonfuls of cereal, acting oblivious to the holes Quitéra was staring into her as she searched for some type of eye contact, but the blonde remained in her own world eating her cereal.

"Paige," she finally said, Paige just humming in response without looking at her. "Can we talk?"

"About?" Paige only gave her a quick glance.

Quitéra furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, starting to wonder if what they did was only a figment of her imagination. She knew it wasn't though because the humiliation she felt during her walk of shame back to her room from the living room still settled in the pits of her stomach. It confused her how casual Paige was being about everything though.

"We kissed last night." Quitéra swallowed nervously, fiddling with her fingers in her lap.

"Yeah, so?" Paige shrugged with a mouthful of cereal. "Not like it's anything we've never done before."

Quitéra felt any words she'd say next leave her head. She wasn't expecting to Paige to say that of all things. She was acting like the kiss was nothing but in Quitéra's memory of it, it felt like fireworks were set off, their desires igniting into flames as they drowned into each other. For Paige, it was just a silly kiss. Quitéra let out a soft scoff, blinking quickly when she felt her eyes start to get a bit teary.

"Are you serious?" Her voice started to falter throughout the sentence as her chest grew tight.

Paige lifted her head again to see Quitéra's face, her smug expression dropping when she saw the state of her. Eyes watery as her brows furrowed, the girl biting her lip to try and fight back to tears. She quickly set her spoon down and put all of her attention on Quitéra.

"What's wrong?" Paige asked stupidly, her body tensing up with confusion and worry.

"What's wrong?" Quitéra repeated with an exhale of disbelief. "You're what's wrong, Paige!"

The blonde felt a sharp pain in her heart at the words, feeling a lump in her throat. The words pierced her; she knew she had messed up badly. She opened her mouth to talk but Quitéra beat her to it, a teary mess.

"I'm sure that kiss was nothing to you, but it was everything to me, Paige." She stood up from her chair and set a hard glare on Paige. "Why do you do this to me? Why do you confuse me? I thought you cared about me, Paige."

"I do care—"

"People who care about their friends don't do this shit to them!" Quitéra snapped, grabbing her crutches in an angry frenzy.

"Quitéra, talk to me please," Paige raced to stand in front of her and stop her from leaving (which wasn't hard to do against a cripple). "What did I do?"

Quitéra didn't want to talk to her, she felt like she would just break down completely if she had to explain herself further. However, Paige did have her in a position where she couldn't escape, so she didn't have much of a choice.

"I don't get you," she looked into her blue eyes with pure disdain behind her gaze. "You act like you're all jealous about other girls — about Amarion, actually. Then, we kiss and you blow me off for the night. I took it, I didn't think much of it. But now you're acting like it was just a stupid kiss. So, excuse me if I'm a little upset that the girl my head is full of day and night is just leading me on."

The two of them fell silent, Paige's lips parted in surprise at what she was hearing. Quitéra still liked her. She wanted to smile bright and wide, run around the room in excitement but she was reminded of the sad look on Quitéra's face. The girl looked down at her boot.

"You're literally the object of all my desires, Paige. So for you to do this to me," she shook her head, a single tear rolling down her cheek, "it hurts."

"Quitéra," Paige brought her hands up to hold her face, her thumb wiping away the tear. "Look at me, please."

She lifted her head reluctantly, meeting her eyes again. Quitéra felt relaxed under the warmth of Paige's hands yet she felt a sense of fear letting her get so close. She knew, at that point, her heart only beat for Paige.

"I like you." Paige's voice was soft and sweet. "I like you so much and I'm so sorry that you can even think for a second that I don't. I'm sorry for acting like a dick about us kissing. I'm just still a little pissed about you and Amarion. But that's nothing, Quitéra. We can work past that. I really like you though and I..."

Paige felt her words get caught in her throat, her moment of hesitation making Quitéra scrunch her eyebrows in confusion. The blonde swallowed back all her doubts and finally came out with it.

"I want to be with you." She trembled a bit. "I want to be your girlfriend."


the parasites are telling me to leave this as a cliffhanger and make yall wait two weeks for the next update

should i listen 🤨

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