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smut warning !

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as an indicator for the sfw portion of the chapter

as an indicator for the sfw portion of the chapter

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UPON WALKING INTO HER ROOM, Quitéra's lips were immediately on Paige's again, shutting and locking the door behind them with one swift motion. They were stumbling over each other as they kicked their shoes off, Paige walking backwards and falling onto the bed. Quitéra leaned down and eagerly slipped off Paige's top then leaned down to attack her neck with kisses, earning soft mewls out of the blonde.

She pulled back to take off her own shirt before focusing on Paige again. She pulled on Paige's jeans, yanking them down and tossing them off to the side. Quitéra's eyes lingered on the black underwear Paige wore and bit her lip.

"Fuck, I can't wait any longer," she rasped before she brought her hands up to grab at the hem of them and slide them down her long legs.

Paige was breathing slow and heavy, looking down at Quitéra between her legs, and itching with anticipation. Her breaths got caught in her throat as Quitéra's hands pulled her legs apart, the cold air of the room hitting her slopping cunt as her legs spread. Paige bit her lip  as she watched her tail kisses down her inner thigh from her knee to right blow her womanhood, her curly hair tickling Paige's skin.

The blonde brought her hand down to grab a handful of Quitéra's hair, pulling it out of her face so that her blue eyes could meet the brown ones of her lover. A soft groan escaped Paige's lips as she felt Quitéra's tongue lining the slit of her cunt before she started licking her up and down in a rhythmic motion, her hands grabbing at Paige's thighs and pulling her further against her face.

"Just like that, baby," came out in a low whisper from Paige as she kept her eyes glued to Quitéra.

The girl's face was buried deep in between her legs while she practically devoured the guard's pussy. Quitéra began to pump her middle finger inside of Paige, keeping her tongue occupied with flicking in a side to side motion against the girl's clit. Paige's face burned red, the pleasure she was feeling overwhelming her body. She was moaning uncontrollably at that point, shameless about her volume.

Amused by this, Quitéra pulled her mouth away, thrusting her finger deeper and taking a moment to admire Paige's lustful facial expressions. A large grin formed on her face when she felt Paige's body jolt at the feeling of Quitéra sliding another finger in, her fingers pushing deep inside of the blonde.

"Does that feel good?" Quitéra tilted her head, her soft-spoken tone feeling like a mockery to Paige.

"Y-yes," she barely got the words out without slurring, practically drunk on Quitéra's fingers.

"Y-yes," the curly-haired girl mocked Paige's moans, earning an attempted glare from the blonde. "Cmon, say it like you mean it, baby."

Her words sent a chill up Paige's spine, a gasp leaving her mouth when Quitéra started pushing her fingers in knuckle-deep.

"It feels g-good," Paige finally pushed out through a moan, her legs starting to tremble.

Quitéra's fingers pumped deep into her, chasing her orgasm as she grew more aggressive with her movements. She listened to the moans Paige let out like they were sweet music, a proud smile forming on her face as she stared at the faces she had her making. Finally, Paige felt relief wash over her body when she came all over Quitéra's fingers, juices spilling down to the palm of the girl's hand.

"So messy," the girl gasped teasingly as she gently pulled her fingers out and brought them to her mouth to suck off the fluids, letting out a soft hum of delight.

"Shut up." Paige panted out despite the grin forming on her face.

"Mm," Quitéra stood up and pulled her fingers out of her mouth before leaning over and pecking Paige's lips. "You know you love me."

"Maybe." Paige chuckled, planting another kiss on Quitéra's jaw. "You know what would make it a yes, though?"


"A nice, warm shower with you," the blonde smiled as her teeth tugged on her bottom lip.

"Right away, ma'am." Quitéra walked out the room. The sound of the shower started following soon after.

Paige laughed a little and stood up, pulling her underwear back up so she wouldn't be walking around naked. A buzz caught her attention, making her turn her head to see a notification on Quitéra's phone. She sat down on the bed and picked it up, looking at the notification with squinted eyes since she was being nosy.



Subject:  Transfer

Before Paige could even begin to process what she just saw or get the time to read what the actual email even said, she heard Quitéra's footsteps nearing the room and immediately put down the phone. She sat up and smiled at Quitéra as the girl leaned against the doorway.

"You comin?" She asked, a warm smile on her face.

"Uh- yeah." Paige stood up and walked over to her, grabbing her head. "Let's go."

As she lead her girlfriend to the bathroom for their shower, she couldn't help but zone out for a bit and think about what she saw. She hoped she wasn't overthinking.

But she was pretty sure Quitéra was thinking about leaving.


writing that first part had me running laps around my house

please lmk how i did w that i don't rly write smut🙏

please lmk how i did w that i don't rly write smut🙏

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