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QUITÉRA'S DAYS WERE SPENT ON THE BENCH FOR WEEKS. They were long and hard weeks. Watching the wins and the losses of her teammates felt so cruel, especially since she didn't get to lose and win with them. She just had to watch. Every night, all she could do was picture herself back on the court, basking in the glory with her teammates, soaked in the sweat of a winner, body sore with ambition flowing through her limbs. But every night, those dreams were shattered when her gaze landed on the crutches propped up against the wall next to her bed and her hand reached out to grab them just so she could use the bathroom that night. She was humbled greatly by the injury but she just wanted things back the way they were.


Quitéra sat in her room, scribbling notes into her binder as she watched the online lecture her professor posted for that day. She hadn't been to practice over the past week but she always showed up to the games to cheer her teammates on, even if it hurt. UConn had just won a game against Creighton and they had a week until their next game against DePaul. She missed how nerve wracked she got running back and forth between games and practices but maybe the nerves is what got her where she was now.

She finished up her notes and let out a long sigh, throwing her head back on her pillow. There was a knock on her opened door, Paige standing in the doorframe when Quitéra turned her head to see who it was.

"Hey." Paige smiled at her, walking over to the bed and sitting down next to quitéra, setting a bag of food on her nightstand. "I brought you some food."

"Thank you," Quitéra gave her a weak smile, looking up at Paige from her lying position. "How was practice?"

"Boring without you." Paige scooted down onto the bed so she could lay her head next to Quitéra's, turning her head to look at her. "And you? How's your day going?"

Quitéra turned her head to look at Paige, their faces so close that their noses brushed together. She wanted to tell Paige everything: how her days were full of Quitéra feeling resentment and shame, how she cried every day and night pondering on what she could've done differently. She knew Paige would understand. She felt like she could be vulnerable with Paige.

Quitéra let out a long sigh and leaned close to Paige. The blonde's eyes widened a little bit, her lips parting, fully anticipating a kiss. Her heartbeat slowed down again when Quitéra just buried her face into Paige's chest, snuggling close to her.

"My day was terrible." She finally spoke honestly. "I've been feeling that way for a while now."

"It's the ankle, isn't it?" Paige wrapped her arms around Quitéra, holding her body close, their warmth engulfing them.

"Mhm." Quitéra nodded, her curls tickling Paige's neck. "It's not even physical pain anymore. It's my pride that's hurting me now. You know?"

"Trust me, I do." Paige buried her nose into Quitéra's hair, shutting her eyes as she inhaled her scent of coconut hair lotion. She was enamored with Quitéra and she was more than happy to be the one that she confided in over everyone else. How could she ever move on from Quitéra? She knew she couldn't.

Quitéra smiled to herself as Paige's hand rubbed her back in a soft and rhythmic motion, moving up and down, nails stroking her skin through the soft fabric of her team hoodie. She could her hear heart beating out of her chest. Paige was a good friend of hers and that was something she didn't want to lose. She trusted her so much. Around her, she felt like she could let all her defenses down and Paige wouldn't attack her.

"I think I'm gonna go home for a couple days." Quitéra muttered into Paige's shirt. "Coach cleared me to go and my parents want to see me."

"Oh word?" Paige spoke quietly into her head, bringing her other arm around Quitéra to hold her tighter.

"Mhm." She hummed. "I want you to come with me."

Paige grew silent as her eyebrows knit together in slight confusion. She was surprised that Paige, of all people, was the one she asked to come meet her family. She felt her heart beating faster. It felt like they were dating all of a sudden and Quitéra would be introducing Paige as someone dear to her.

"It's just that you're a close friend of mine." Quitéra's words quickly shatter Paige's expectations. "I trust you a lot and I think my family would want to see the influence you've had on me."

Paige was reminded of where she stood with Quitéra in that moment. She was her friend. As far as Paige knew, it would stay that way as well. A small smile curled on her lips as she pulled back a little to look Quitéra in the eyes.

"Why not?" Her words gained a smile from the girl. "Let's do it."

👤 paigebueckers added to their story!

👤 paigebueckers added to their story!

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giving you guys something sweet and cute to make up for all the sadness and destruction <3

also let's pray nika can get these visa problems fixed

i'm tryna see my girl in june🤞

i'm tryna see my girl in june🤞

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