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PAIGE WAS LYING IN BED, her stomach filled with pizza and her body feeling relaxed and light after her shower. It was pitch black outside and the neighborhood was quiet. Paige never realized how much she would appreciate silence after being in a bustling city for her entire life. She quite enjoyed the only sounds reaching her ears being the coo of the owls outside and the sound of Quitéra's shower running in the bathroom across the hall.

Paige was getting kind of nervous knowing that the only thing keeping herself and her naked crush apart was the door and thin walls of their house. She felt like a pervert for even imagining half the things that were going through her mind at the moment but she couldn't help it. Quitéra was so beautiful, she just wanted to see all of her.

The water of the running shower came to a stop, making everything go silent again. Paige held her breath for a moment, knowing that Quitéra was getting out of the shower now. It was like she was waiting for something but she couldn't quite describe what it was. When she heard a thud coming from the bathroom, she was quickly on her feet and racing to the door, knocking on it.

"You okay?" Paige asked, looking down at her feet.

"I fell." Quitéra said, her voice clearly laced with frustration. "Can you help me?"

Paige felt her body tense up at the thought of seeing Quitéra fresh out the shower. Still, she pushed out a shaky "yeah" to Quitéra before turning on the knob and opening the door. She turned her head away as steam hit her on her way in, shutting her eyes just in case she'd see her naked.

"Paige, I have on clothes." Quitéra's soft laugh tickled Paige's reddening ears.

The blonde opened her eyes and turned to look at her. There she was, sitting on the floor in an oversized shirt and basketball shorts, the girl's shoulders rising and falling as she panted softly. Paige walked over and leaned down, grabbing Quitéra by her hips and lifting her up. As she stood up straight, Quitéra stood on her good foot and put her weight against Paige, their chests pressed together and faces close.

Paige felt her breath getting caught in her throat when she realized they were so close, their noses brushed together. She could feel Quitéra's breath hitting her lips, her blue eyes trailing down to look at the other's. The room fell silent as they stood there with each other, breaths growing heavy and desperate. Quitéra brought her hands up to grab onto Paige's arms, leaning closer to where their lips were brushing against each other. Paige shut her eyes, desperate to finally kiss her.

"Quitéra," she said to her in a desperate whisper, her hands gripping hard on Quitéra's hips.

"Paige," Quitéra's eyes peeled away from her to whatever was behind her. "My crutches are on the wall back there."

Paige felt like she was just woken up for a dream, quickly turning her head to see what Quitéra was gesturing to. She felt like her body was malfunctioning for a moment trying to read the room and understand the moment they just had. She finally nodded in response and grabbed the crutches whilst keeping her hand on Quitéra's waist and letting her body support her.

Paige handed the girl her crutches and stepped back, letting the girl stand up on her own before walking out the bathroom and climbing back into Quitéra's bed. She tried to be as casual as possible but as soon as she got under those covers she put her hands over her face and let out a silent scream. They almost kissed and Quitéra ruined the moment. Was there a moment or was Paige being delusional? She didn't know anymore.

Quitéra came into the room and shut the light off, sinking onto the spot in bed next to Paige and getting under the covers. There was a long silence between them as they both faced their backs towards each other, staring off into the darkness of the room.

"Paige, you awake?" Quitéra whispered, looking over her shoulder at the blonde.

Paige stayed quiet as she kept staring at the wall, ignoring Quitéra since she caused her to be so sexually frustrated. Shivers ran up her spine when she suddenly felt Quitéra's hands running up her back to take hold of her shoulders, massaging them in a gentle manner. Paige shut her eyes as she tried not to give her a reaction.

"Goodnight, Paige." She finally stopped and leaned over to plant a soft kiss on Paige's cheek.

She rolled over to her side of the bed again and shut her eyes, folding her arms under her head. Paige sat there staring at the wall, her face red and her full heart beating out of her chest.


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