A Whisper in the Dark.

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                    Shane's POV

I had left Cat in bed fast asleep and though I wished I could stay there with her I knew I still had lot of work left to do. I hated leaving my mate especially after finding out that someone or something seemed to be targeting her, let only leaving her to go work out paper with that piece of shit Mason. Oh how I wish I could just rip out his fucking throat, just thinking about how he had laid his disgusting hands on my mate... I inhaled softly calming myself as Kyle walked behind me as we headed up to the packhouse, I didn't trust myself to go alone who knew what I would do if this piece of shit said or did anything that would trigger Ryder. The packhouse here was rather on the large size, not that it was batter than ours, but it only housed a very few for the size. It seemed someone was trying to compensate for something when they had ordered this place built. Kyle had to remind me that we were only here for a few more weeks and than we were heading home, no more ex mate to bother MY Catalina, no more stressful environments and we would be able to actually enjoy each other's company the way I want. The boys said that Mason's warriors were pretty quick to pick up the basics so they were pushing more advanced fighting methods to give them the best chance to defend themselves. I stood outside Mason's office for a couple mintues before pushing the door open, there was no way in hell I was going to show this asswipe any respect especially for how he had treated my mate. Kyle entered after me before we got to work, there wasn't any chit chat like there had been before I found out Mason had been the one that rejected Catalina, working in silence worked for me and Mason sure didn't seem to have anything to say to me either. I could tell that Kyle was a bit uncomfortable being in this room with two Alpha's that were seemingly giving off waves of intimidation. Alpha's can stake claim or send out signs of dominance over others and when two alphas met normally they are peaceful and show not signs of those... but seeing as this incompetent ass tried to lay claim to what's mine, I'll just have to prove to him whose stronger here...

Three hour... three long hours is how long it took to finish the massive pile of paperwork, though it would have gotten done a lot faster if I hadn't been the only one working on it. I checked my phone one last time before I moved to stand, there's only so much time in a day and I definitely don't want to spend it all with this dipshit. The sound of light, hurried footsteps caught my attention, they were too soft to be any of my men. I brushed it off as children playing until the door to the office burst open, four children no older than seven rushed in with a middle-aged woman close behind them.

                    "Children! I told you not to just burst in here! I'm so sorry alpha..." the woman began as she bowed slightly, a girl that was smaller than the rest of the children stepped forward. All the children were red faced and teary eyed, I could visibly see them shaking.

               "Please! You have to help her!" The little girl cried as she brought her hands up, she gripped the front of her shirt before pulling on it slightly. "If you don't help her, she's going to die! There's no way she'll be able to fight off all of them, please she saved us!" I began to kneel down to ask her what she was talking about when I got a whiff of a scent I've come to know well. My whole body went rigid for a couple seconds, there was no way right? Right?

A howl pierced the air, carried by the wind. I straightened as my head whipped around looking out the window. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, Kyle and Mason were to their feet as well. My feet moved before my mind could comprehend what was happening, Catalina... that was Catalina, my Catalina... my muscles rippled threatening to shift right then and there, Ryder growled loudly at me to run faster. I was out the doors running across the lawn and shifting as I entered the woods, my clothes ripping into shreds as my paws pounded against the ground. The weather had taken a turn, dark black clouds swirled in the sky, the wind thrushed through the trees whipping leafs and smaller twigs through the air, loud cracks of thunder echoed throughout the forest. It felt ominous like it was some kind of sign, it steeled my heart and sent a cold chill down my spine... she had to be alright, she'll be there smiling before telling me how she handled it on her own... she has to be.

Lightening flashed high above me before another howl echoed in the air the forest lit up a bright white as bolts of lightening crashed against the ground a few miles from me. In the direction that howl came from, my feet pushed me forward faster. Ryder clawed at the back of my mind, demanding to be let free. By the time I reached the clearing smoke rose from the ground where the lightening had struck and there were burnt wolf corpses laid about the area, I inhaled slowly my eyes moving across the area... searching. It was at that moment I realized I wasn't the only one here, Kyle had followed but he had also mindlinked the rest of the warriors too. Though they weren't the only ones, I seen three wolves at the other side of the clearing and I recognized them to be Catalina's father and brothers. My paws moved before I could process it as my head moved scanning the area, tilting my head slightly I inhaled again. A mixture of rich metallic scents filled my nose, blood, there was so much of it soaking into the ground. My body froze when I could the scent of Catalina, or more importantly the scent of her blood. Her scent was all over this clearing carried by the wind but the scent of her blood left a trail, showing me that she had left the clear and in a hurry too.

                  "Catalina! Catalina!" I called through our mindlink as I found myself racing in the direction her blood trailed, she had been here and not long ago... I could still make it to her, make sure she's alright and take her home. "Catalina, darling talking to me!"

It didn't take long to realize something was blocking our connection, preventing us from communicating with eachother. My mind raced everything seemed to blur until I found myself at a dead stop, Catalina's scent disappeared it just ended like she had vanished from this spot... my eyes scanned the ground where the grass was packed down like something had been there, something glistened in the grass. Carefully pushing the item with my nose I realized what it was and that it had my mates scent on it, Catalina had been shot with a tranquilizer... Taking a few steps back I felt my heart drop and Ryder whimpered in my mind, this can't be real I... I couldn't have just lost my mate, a mournful sounding howl left my lips just as someone else came through the brush. The pain I felt was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life, knowing that I had failed to protect her when I promised nothing else would harm her... I lowered my head staring at the spot she had been not but minutes before I had arrived, I couldn't wrap my head around where she had gone or what had happened for her just to disappear. I felt a handing my shoulder, lifting my head I seen Catalina's father. His eyes were full of sorrow, I can't ever begin to imagine his pain. He not only lost his mate but now his daughter too, he shook his head before looking back the way he came. My eyes followed landing on not only my pack warriors but Mason too, it lit a rage inside me seeing the look on his face after everything he did to Cat what right does he have to look so mournful. I knew deep down inside that Catalina was alright, at least for the time being. I stood slowly as Kyle made his way over, they were waiting for orders, wanting for my command to search this whole damn forest to find their luna.

The wind had died down though the dark clouds still remained whirling in the sky, ready to let loose the water trapped within. The sun had started dipping down below the trees and it began to get darker as the moon started to rise.

                   "Start the search I want this place turned upside down! If they were able to get in this close and get out they must be hiding out somewhere close by. Now go!" Ryders voice barked as I watched the moon rise higher and higher, I wished I would have stayed... been there when she woke up, been there to kiss her good morning... in the mist of my self pity something rang out in the darkness, a soft spoken voice.

                "Find her in the place the Lunar flowers bloom, where the moon goddess blessings are given, and where the moonlight shines the brightest. Be strong the fights not over, don't lose hope or all will be lost. Believe she'll return to you, for she has been blessed by the moon goddess herself... Find the field of Lunar flowers... find the flowers" the voice faded as quickly as it appeared, what had it meant the field of Lunar flowers? Blessing from the moon goddess? And Catalina's been bless? Does that have something to do with Catalina's hair turning white? There was hope, I will find her, I will find that field.

A Whisper in the Dark.

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