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i'm laying in bed eating some of my tru frus while watching south park when somebody knocks on my door. i hope its lily because she hasn't been with me for awhile and if she is at the apartment it's to grab clothes and stuff for volleyball. i text her to see where she is but she doesn't answer.

"come in" i softly say

paige walks in which makes me smile but also my smile fades.

"what wrong gigi?" she says sitting sitting next to me and rubbing my thigh.

"lily. she hasn't been here to help me with anything, and if she is here she is grabbing clothes. i try to text her but she ignores me." i lay my head on paige's shoulder.

"im sorry gigi, but you can call me if you need anything. you know that right?" she says looking down at me.

"but i don't want to make you spend all your time on me." i sigh.

"i don't care, if i had a choice to be with you all the time i would." paige smiles snuggling against me.

i giggle and me and paige just sit there for a bit.

"do you want to go hang out with the basketball team? kk has been wanting to see you." she smiles looking at me.

"KK? YES I WANT TO GO!" i sit up quickly.

"this sounds like favoritism" paige sighs as she gets up.

"aww is paige jealous?" i jokingly frown.

paige just turns to look at me but then turns back around.

i wrap my arms around her and hug her.

"i'm kidding of course, your one of my favorites" i smile into her back.

"but i'm gonna get dressed so just wait a second"
i grab my crutches and crutch to the bathroom with my clothes in hand.

i put on blue sweat shorts and a grey off the shoulder baggy t-shirt and i slid on my mini uggs.

i turn around to grab something off the floor accidentally giving paige a view of my ass but i feel a stare at it.

as i get up i turn around to see a flushed paige.

as i crutch by her i whisper "should've taken a picture, could've lasted longer" i continue to crutch away out the door.

when we get out the the car, paige helps with my crutches.

she drives me to her apartment and we go in. when i walk in i immediately go to kk.


"kk you gotta calm down" ice laughs while walking out to give me a hug.

"thank you kk." i smile.

"so when can you play again boo" kk says sitting down while i do.

"next season, if i decide to." i smile.

"oh im sorry" kk and ice say at the same time.

"it's alright i mean i just hope i don't lose my skill.

paige sits down next to me not even trying to hide the fact her hand is rubbing up and down my thigh.

kk goes live and we are all in it. kk shows me and i look through the comments.

"did you actually tear your acl?" i read out.

"sadly, i did and i cant play again till next season. if i decide too which i dont know yet" i shrug.

nobody gets me - P.BWhere stories live. Discover now