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paige and the rest of the girls are at practice so i decided to catch up on some work.

i worked on some of my classes and when i was done i decided to start planning paige's birthday. her birthday is october 20th and it's currently october 18th.

i've talked to all the basketball girls and they all said they can make it. we decided we are going to have nika and azzi take her out for a while so we can decorate her apartment. and throw the 2nd halloween party with just us.

i have my outfit already picked out for the party but i needed to go shopping for supplies. while i was thinking paige walked in sweaty from practice.

"so how was practice?" i smile at her as she walks in.

"good, but geno was pushing us today" the blonde sighs as she sits down on the couch next to me.

"i don't know who you are, but why are you sitting down next to me all sweaty...." i question scooting away.

paige laughs as she gets up to go shower, i take this as my time to text nika, and kk and ask if they want to go shopping for supplies. they both text back yes.

i go to me and paige's now shared room, and grab some clothes to put on. i decided on some black cargo pants and a white tank top. i throw on some white tennis shoes and grab my bag. i sit down in the living room waiting for kk and nikas go text.

paige leaves the shower and puts new clothes on. "am i good to sit here now?" the blonde points next to me.

"of course since your all clean now." i smile.

"where are you going?" she asks curiously.

"i'm just gonna go out for a bit?" i question.

"can i come with!" the blonde asks hopefully.

i feel bad for saying this but i have to "me and nika scheduled a hangout together today just us two, but next time i promise you can come with!" i say happily but really i feel bad.

"oh" is all she says.

"don't worry i'll bring something back for you" i pay her shoulder.

"okay" she smiles at me as i get a text from kk and nika saying they are heading out to the parking lot.

"i got to go, don't miss me too much" i point at her and walk out of the apartment.

i walk down to the parking lot to see nika and kk.

we all head to my car and sit in there and drive over to party city.

"omg we should get her a cake that says "happy birthday daddy paige" nika says laughing.

"OMG YES" kk agrees, i let out small laughs as im driving.

"what should the theme be like?" i ask.

"i think we should do a theme that's like 'daddy's home'" nika laughs.

"ong wait that wouldn't be a bad idea" kk laughs hitting me and nikas shoulders.

"what would the colors even be?" i laugh.

"black and purple, maybe throw in some grey and white." nika nods along while talking.

i pull into the party city parking lot.

we all decided we are gonna stick together instead of splitting up.

we grab a cart and go down the cups, plates, and napkins isle.

"do we need these" kk asks bored.

i laugh at her antics "yes kk we need plates, don't worry we can get to your fun stuff soon." i pat her back.

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