812 21 3

tw: eating disorder
tw: throwing up

i wake up, and wiggle out of paige's arms very discreetly and walk to the bathroom.

i use the restroom and go to brush my teeth when my eyes just keep glancing down my whole body picking at random stuff.

i look around the bathroom quickly to see if paige has a weight scale and notice she has one in the corner, i quickly finish up brushing my teeth and step on the scale.


i've gained a lot, i won't eat much today.

i've always had problems with my weight and the way my body looks, especially since my mom always told me about her modeling growing up and how skinny she was and still is.

i feel like i'm in competition with her or look like her.

I get cut out of my thoughts as paige knocks on the door.

"gigi are you in there?" she asks

"yea p i'm in here" i say

"well i kinda have to go so can you hurry up" laughs paige.

i open the door "i've been done i was just brushing my teeth" i smile

paige smiles as she sees me.

i walk into paige's room and grab a pair of my shorts i left here once with one of paige's hoodies over top and going to look in the mirror.

i nod as i sit on paige's bed waiting for her.

she walks out of the bathroom and goes to find clothes "what do you wanna do today?" she smiles looking back at me.

"i don't mind" smiles

paige starts to speak up again "i think me and my team were gonna go to top golf, im 100% sure they wouldn't mind you tagging along?" she smiles as she grabs the clothes she decided to wear.

i smile big "i would love to"

paige's smile grows when she hears my answer. "i'm gonna change then we can eat breakfast"

my heart sinks at the mention of breakfast but i act normal "okay" i say

i can't hide the fact im not gonna eat because im gonna be with paige all day, hopefully at some points i can make her believe i had some snacks.

she walks out wearing black pants with a black shirt that says "everybody watches women's sports".

i smile at her outfit as we walk out to her kitchen.

"what do you want?" she asks looking through the fridge.

"i-uhm i'm not that hungry this morning, ill eat soon though" smiles.

"are you sure? breakfast is the most important part of the day" paige smiles playfully.

"yeah i'll eat later" i smile

"alright if you say so, i think i'm just gonna have some toast" paige sighs out, grabbing the butter from the fridge and the bread from the cupboard.

paige makes her toast while i just scroll on instagram.

paige sits down next to me eating her toast while watching me scroll.

"wait." paige says hitting my shoulder.

"what?" i smile.

"isn't this my hoodie?" she questions

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