Chapter 2 - Hell Rains in Heaven

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It is a regular day in Heaven. Everything is overly pristine, almost everyone is happy with each other, the sun is shining down upon the golden architecture; Nearly everything is peaceful. The only angels who aren't exactly happy are Sera, Emily, Lute, and the rest of the exterminators. While the incident from about a year ago was an overall win for both Heaven and Hell, the death of Adam and a large amount of other exterminators did not bode well for the higher up angels. Lute had become extremely infuriated that, while Metal Sonic had been defeated, she not only didn't get to be the one to get revenge, but she also had to stop preparing for exterminations until further notice. Sera had felt incredible guilt for allowing this to happen in the first place. She allowed Adam to do the exterminations in the first place, and her choice had gotten him killed. However, she felt extreme relief as well, as Metal Sonic's defeat meant that Heaven was, for now, safe. Emily had lost most of her trust in Sera because of the exterminations. The whole attack from Metal Sonic had been kept secret from her and the rest of Heaven, but Emily knew something must've happened because of Adam's obvious disappearance. Even after a whole year, Emily still had less trust in Sera than before, though as time had gone on, she slowly began to forgive her.

St. Peter was at his post outside the pearly gates, reading the bible as he waited for someone to show up. The only sound being heard was the sound of a small breeze, the sound of the pages of the bible being flipped, and the quiet echoes of footsteps being heard from the inside of Heaven. Suddenly, the sound of nearby footsteps is heard. St. Peter looks up from his book, and then sets it down to greet whoever is there.

St. Peter: "Welcome to Hea- OH! Charlie Morningstar, it's you again!"

St. Peter is surprised to see Charlie at the path to Heaven once again. He gives her a nervous smile, knowing that, while she is nice, she brings trouble. However, Charlie looks a bit... off.

St. Peter: "Here for another meeting I presume?"

'Charlie' responds in a happy, yet very AI sounding, voice.

'Charlie': "Indeed I am, St. Peter!"

'Charlie' seems to be much shinier than normal, having silver colored fingers and unmoving hair. A very large pair of sunglasses cover her eyes, and her mouth doesn't seem to move as much. Her footsteps also seem to be fairly loud, as if she were extremely heavy. St. Peter has a look of worry, as she is, obviously, acting abnormal.

St. Peter: "Are... Are you ok? Do you, like, need help or something?"

'Charlie' moves her head to face him directly.

'Charlie': "I'm fine, I just feel sorta stiff because I... stubbed my toe."

St. Peter breathes a sigh of relief.

St. Peter: "Oh, phew. I was getting a little bit worried there. Welp, I don't wanna hold you up for your meeting like last time!"

St. Peter opens the pearly gates, letting 'Charlie' walk through. However, instead of walking through, 'Charlie' stands in between the two doors which make up the gate as a whole. Sera sees 'Charlie' from up in her high Heaven tower, looking at her with worry and curiosity as to why she is here. 'Charlie's' large sunglasses fall off to reveal black screen eyes with red ring pupils. Sera is too far away to notice anything different, so she continues to stare with intrigue. The other angels on ground level however start to feel a bit intimidated, keeping their distance from the stationary... thing. St. Peter closes the door, not noticing that 'Charlie' is in between them, and is caught by surprise when the doors stay open. He gets out of his stand to see why, and is shocked when he sees 'Charlie' holding the doors open with her hands. He tries talking to her nervously.

St. Peter: "Uh, Charlie Morningstar... What exactly are you... doing?"

He gives a nervous laugh which gradually turns into a whimper as 'Charlie's' head spins around, revealing her black and red eyes to him. Now that he's up close, he sees what he should've of seen from the beginning. This ain't Charlie. Her whole body was very metallic. He silver fingers were very sharp and claw-like. Her mouth hadn't moved when she spoke because she didn't HAVE one. This was something that could be only known as 'Metal Charlie'. She glares at him, staying in place without saying a word and keeping the gates open. Even Sera could see that there was something wrong going on, and teleports over to them.

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