Part 17/Birthday party

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Over the next few days, me and Smg4 plan a small birthday party for Bea.

We decide to have her and a few of her friends come to a park, and we'll get cake and balloons!

We already invited her friends, and we let our own friends know that if any of them want to come they can.

Sadly we haven't really been able to see our friends much during this time, despite them inviting us to hang out. We've either been busy figuring out this party, or wanting to hang out alone.

I walk into the castle to find Smg4 on the phone.

"Mhm. Okay that sounds good! Bye." He hangs up and looks at me.

I notice his eyes and smile brighten when he sees me, as usual.

Ahhh why does he always have to look at me like that?! It's too cute!

"Are you okay?" He asks and pokes my face.

"Yeah! Stop thattt..." I snap out of it and chuckle as I shoo his hand away.

"Who were you talking to dear?" I ask curiously.

"Oh no one important!" He replies. "You'll see."

"What?! No- tell me!" I exclaim.

"I said you'll see! Just be patient okay?" He chuckles.

"...fine." I groan reluctantly. "Anyway, I was wondering if you want to train our meme powers?"

"That sounds good!" Smg4 agrees.

We head outside and find a nice wide open area of the showgrounds.

"Hey... I know that Smg1 and 2 told us to stick to practicing what they taught us, but maybe we could try something different?" I suggest to Smg4

"That sounds fun. Doing the same thing every time gets boring..."

So instead of holding one hand, we grasp both of each other's hands. I close my eyes and we harvest the energy around the showgrounds.

After a minute, I open them again, and to my surprise, a large glowing ball of meme energy is floating above us.

But this time, it feels different. It feels more controlled, and natural.

"Let's try making a shield." I suggest.

We morph the energy into more of a dome, and lower it carefully over us. No problem.

After that, we easily divide it into multiple pieces, and shoot them at a target we set up earlier. Each ball hits the target perfectly.

Once we've used up all of the energy, I'm speechless.

"What?! That was so easy!" Smg4 exclaims.

"I know right! That felt different than all the other times we've tried it..." I say.

"Let's show Smg1 and Smg2." Smg4 suggests. "Maybe they can tell us what's going on."


Not long after, Smg1 and Smg2 meet us at the showgrounds.

"We heard you've been training!" Smg2 says.

"I'm excited to see your progress." Smg1 contributes.

"Okay so... don't be mad at us... but we sort of decided to experiment a teeeeeny bit with the meme energy..." I admit.

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