Chapter 3/ The trip

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Smg3 POV:

Oh my god. I can't believe I did that. I just exposed myself as a Taylor Swift fan to all of Smg4's friends. I wasn't lying about my music taste, I hardly ever listen to pop music, but I enjoy it every once in a while. Smg4 took the attention off of me on purpose, I know it. Maybe that's what friends do, I don't know, I haven't had too many real ones.

"Oh! We're here!" Smg4 says as we turn onto a path leading into the forest.

The bright summer sun casts beautiful patterns through the canopy of leaves and onto the mossy floor. We drive down the dirt road, past rocky cliff sides with tiny waterfalls cascading down into the lush undergrowth. An opening in the trees comes up on the left, and we see a vast sparkling lake, wearing the morning light as if it were jewelry.

Then suddenly campsites begin to form around us, clearings of grass with benches and tents that lead off from the road. After we drive past a few campsites, Smg4 slows down right before one of the biggest ones we've seen yet. He parks the van on the edge of the clearing.

"Let's go look around!" Smg4 says, but everyone is already jumping out of the vehicle.

I quickly clip Eggdog's leash onto his collar and join the rest of the group, who are walking and running around the circular clearing.

"This place is beautiful." I tell Smg4 as he gets out of the car. "But may I ask, isn't this expensive?" I worry.

"It's a bit frivolous," Smg4 admits. "But it's worth it to spend time with you guys. I like seeing you all happy!"

"That's... really nice of you. Thank you." I say.

"You say thank you a lot." Smg4 laughs.

"Well, I just want you to know I appreciate it." I explain, avoiding his gaze.

We walk around for a while, getting a nice look at our campsite.

"So, what is there to do here?" Meggy asks Smg4.

"There's lots to do, we could go hiking, look for wild memes, go swimming in the lake, hang around our tents..." Smg4 lists. "Tonight we can make a campfire and s'mores."

"Mario wants s'mores." Mario says, as he seems to appear right next to us.
Meggy jumps.

"No Mario, we're saving them for tonight!" Smg4 says sternly.

"But Mario wants it nowwww!" Mario whines.

"No, but I guess you can have this for now." Smg4 hands Mario what's left of the Candy me and him shared on the drive. Mario stomps away, but takes the candy.

"Well, I think we should set up our tents before lunch," Tari suggests. "That way we won't have to worry about it later, and we can do what we want after!"

"I think that's a great idea!" Meggy tells her, and everyone agrees.

We open the back of the van and everyone begins to pull out their tents.

"I like your tent Melony" Saiko remarks genuinely.

"Yay! Thank you." Melony hugs her watermelon printed tent.

After everyone gets their tents I tie Eggdog's leash securely to a wooden stake and go up to the van.

I rummage around in some of the random bags and things for a few minutes, but I can't find my tent.

"What the-?" I mutter, searching even more.

I refuse to give up, and I open the back doors, checking every inch of the van.


Suddenly it dawns on me. I set my tent against the wall of the castle with everyone else's stuff, and I must have forgotten to put it into the back. I lean against the van and hold my head in my hand. This is awful, I'm going to have to drive all the way home and back- if they will even let me take the van. It will be dark by then. I reluctantly walk over to Smg4 who is reading the instructions for his tent.

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