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J: So, Mon spill!!! How was it?

M: How was what, P'Jim?

J: Oh no, you don't! Don't play dumb with me, girl!

M: Uhm...

J: Tell me!!! Did you feel great?
Did you fuck like bunnies all night Mon?
Can Sam still walk? Hahahaha

(Mon stayed silent but her face full of regret and disappointment couldn't be hidden from the nosy woman on the phone)

J: What? Why do you look like that Mon??
Don't tell me Sam went ape shit crazy on you last night and forced to use it on you instead?

M: That wouldn't have been so bad if she at least did that

J: What???
Oh shit wait! Just what did she do, Mon?

(Mon was grimacing now. She was trying to find the right words to say to the older woman without disgracing Sam, but her heart was also extremely bitter.

Mon was taking forever and Jim ran out of patience, so she urged Mon anxiously)

J: Just spit it out. Why don't you?

M: Hmmm... she backed out

(Was the only explanation Mon could think of.
This was obviously lacking, and she knew that too, but she didn't want to say too much to Sam's friend.
This answer though, frustrated Jim even more)

J: Mon, it's 8 in the morning. I haven't had my coffee yet and am extremely cranky

Please do not make me lose my shit so early in the morning and just tell me everything!

M: There really isn't much to tell p'jim

(Mon sighed deeply
Mon knew she couldn't get out of talking with the nosy woman and just decided to tell her the truth)

M: I was having fun teasing Sam, and we were happy. We had fun but then she tried to guilt trip me because she wanted to use the strap-on you gave me, then it went downhill from there

She saw how affected I was and felt guilty, so she offered to let me use it.

I was tempted, but knowing it would mean so much to Sam...

I gave in and offered my body to her, but at the last moment, she backed out

J: What?? Why? Why would she do that?

(Mon smiled sadly)
M: She said she didn't want to see me hurt

J: And that's why I asked you to do it, Mon!
I gave it to you for a reason! Ugh!!!

Sam will obviously overthink it, and she will never do something she isn't sure about!!!

It was bound to fail sigh!
I can't believe you let that idiot take control, Mon!

M: I can never say no to Sam p'Jim.

J: Mon, don't lie to me.
You love saying no to her!
You say so often that I often wonder how a control freak like that idiot managed to stay sane and still love you!

(Mon slightly blushed at being told off, then laughed)

M: Well, she isn't actually technically sane p'Jim. Hahahaha
Sam is just great at hiding it.
It took us forever to see she wasn't ok

(Mon's mood went sober after saying this)

M: p'Jim, be honest with me. Was it my fault?

Did I do this to Sam?

(There was silence on the other line, which was broken by a heavy sigh)

J: What do you want to hear, Mon?

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