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Author notes : ☠️☠️☠️

Before you proceed, please note that this will be for the world of adults
this is the honeymoon part, so yeah, if you're uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter

Please proceed with caution


Mon looked at her wife, who was now so red in anger. She didn't even notice that she threw my phone to the wall. Sigh. I don't think the phone could still be saved. tsk!

She looked and waited for a bit more, but seeing that her wife was still throwing a mini tantrum, she shook her head and decided she needed to console her to bed before it's too late.

Mon came closer to Sam, who was mumbling to herself in one corner

Knowing Sam, she was already planning on how to murder Jim, hahaha her poor wife was really bullied badly. She kinda felt a little bad about it, but Sam was just so cute, so she couldn't help herself too.

She backhugged her pouting wife and kissed her neck, Inhaling Sam's unique scent and relaxing in the familiar warmth.

M: Love... (Mon started with the softest voice that she could muster but was still coming out hoarse)
Aren't we going to bed?

(Hearing this, Sam just froze. She felt her hair slowly standing.

She has a bad feeling about this.
She stepped out from Mon's hug, turned around, and faced her)

S: You aren't sleeping tonight! (Sam stated bravely)

(Mon just smirked at her cute wife and then winked)

M: Oh really? (Mon's hands then trailed to Sam's neck)

What are we going to do then love?

(Sam took in Mon's hands and kissed it. She then held Mon's cheeks lovingly before dropping kisses on Mon's eyes, nose, and lips.

Sam then took a moment to look at her lovely wife, who also looked back at her with eyes full of love and passion before she kissed her again and again)

S: Thank u for today, Mon.
You have made me the happiest woman alive when you decided to be mine

M: Sam, I have always been yours

S: I know, love. As I have been yours too. But now, everything is now finally official!

I can't believe I've married the love of my life!

Thank you so much, Mon, for coming into my life and for staying despite all that we've been through!

I promise never to make you regret choosing me...

I will love you more and more each day, MonMon.

M: awwww. Now see who's sappy? Ahahahha

S: I can't help it when I'm with you.

I've never been good with words, but with you, Mon, it just comes out so naturally.

I just let my heart speak and pray that it says the right things

M: Well, you surely did!
I love you to my ChamCham!

Now, it's been a long, tiring day... how about we get some rest love?

S: Didn't I just say that you wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight?

(Sam then attacked Mon's lips and pushed her to the wall.

The kiss became heated, and before long, Mon felt that Sam was distracted

Curious, Mon looked closer and smiled when she saw that Sam was busy trying to locate something...

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