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After the meeting was over, Sam and I had a talk about our succeeding plans.
I asked her about the shares Grandma gave us, and she said it was a wedding gift.

Apparently, she knew about it a long time ago and just forgot to tell me

To this, I rolled my eyes at her and left her unamused.

She tried calling me and asking me what was wrong, but I was too frustrated to even answer her, so I locked myself in our room

Once I managed to temper my mood,
I immediately called Grandma and told her that I was surprised that she gave her shares to me

I then told her aggrievedly that Sam didn't tell me about her gift before, so I wasn't able to say thank you sooner.

I didn't want her to misunderstand me and call me ungrateful, so I repeated how thankful I was that she entrusted me with her shares and that she could get it back anytime she wanted it.

Grandma laughed at me
She said that if I wanted to thank her, I should give her grandchildren for her to play with before she died.

This topic had been brought up quite frequently recently not only by her but by my parents too

They kept reminding me that they were not getting any younger and that having children later in our years had negative effects

When this topic was breached, it would take a long time to get them to loosen up. To a certain point, I think their nagging had gotten to me because I have been dreaming about having little Sam and Mons around.

I made sure to keep that realization to myself, though otherwise, Sam would not let me hear the end of it.

She had been trying to convince to have children ever since we married

She kept on and on about her being old and could no longer carry the baby if we waited any longer. To that, I just laughed at her and said

"Love, you do know I can also carry the baby right,"

She would then pout and go on a tirade about me trying to ignore the inevitable.

She would then hold me after and tell me that she isn't pressuring me but that she wanted to have a family with me as soon as possible.

I really felt bad about making Sam wait, but I truly believe that there is a right time for everything.

And contrary to what she believed, I would never allow her to carry our baby.

I could never afford to see Sam suffer again besides, I was stronger and younger than Sam, so it would definitely be my responsibility to bring our baby to this world.

While imagining Sam and mine's future together, I suddenly remembered Grandma's poor health and asked how she was, but she just brushed it off and said she had already lived a long life. There was no longer any need to worry about what was to come.

This made me a bit sad.
Me and Grandma had a bad past, and we all suffered because of her, but at the same time, she was not all that was to be blamed for what happened.

Nevertheless, what is the past should be left in the past. The important thing is that Sam and I are finally happy.

I don't want to think about anything else as of the moment.
I don't want to worry about what will happen in the future. I just want to live in our now.

Before we finished the phone call, she apologized again and said that she was proud of Sam and I for making it this far
She also then reminded me to take care of Sam and to always choose to be happy.

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