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Sam and Mon spent the next year content and happy.

True to their word, they did tour the world.
Well, most of it, at least

There were some delays due to uhm... "bed duties" and other pitsop mishaps, but nonetheless, the girl pushed through

The first couple of months were a bit of a struggle, and they almost gave up the rest of their journey

Sam wasn't responding well to her meds.
She was having issues sleeping
Add that to their constant traveling and jetlag, and that equals a very cranky wife and a very irritated Mon.

Their moods were messed up, and their nerves were all over the place
For a moment, they forgot that they were meant to enjoy their trip and were busy fighting instead, but Ray helped

Ray made Mon understand that this was the side effects of the drugs that Sam was taking

He asked for other symptoms, and that was when everything synced in to Mon, and she felt utterly disgusted at herself

She said that she would be there for Sam throughout her journey
She had forced Sam to take those damn meds that she didn't want to take, and then when she was suffering, she snapped at her

Mon felt horrible!

Mon quickly recalled all the other symptoms and immediately told Ray that Sam also constantly got headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, and nausea

Mon originally thought that it was just fatigue and jetlag, which was why she continued to argue with Sam when Sam pushed her

She thought that Sam was being unreasonable but now berated herself for being so stupid

She should have known better!

That day, she vowed to support Sam better

She comforted Sam, apologized, and promised that everything would soon pass
When it didn't get better, Sam and Mon became worried and called on Ray for every little thing.

Sam and Mon both wanted assurance that these symptoms wouldn't last because Sam was barely hanging on and was slowly getting more and more frustrated day by day

This, in turn, affected Mon and made her more helpless

So Ray comforting them had been a major reason as to why they managed to push forward

Sam then tried to adapt.
She was trying her best to control her temper, and she was smiling at Mon as much as she could, but seeing Sam like this was extremely painful for Mon

Sam constantly told Mon that she was fine
And Mon really wants to believe her, but sadly, she knew Sam too much for her lies to actually work

Then, after a couple of weeks, when they were in Spain
Sam had another episode of her anxiety and panic attacks
And this time, it was duly unprovoked

They were happy and were grabbing a bite to eat in one of the cute little cafes they found along the way to our hotel.

They planned to go to Sagrada Familia for a quick tour after eating, when Sam suddenly froze, clutched her chest, and struggled to breathe.

Mon calmed Sam multiple times before so she didn't hesitate and immediately jumped from my seat to hold Sam close to her
She was softly telling Sam to breathe

Sam didn't immediately respond

She was trembling all over and was sweating a lot, so it didn't take much time before the people around then realized that something was wrong

Gaining the attention of the crowd now was the worst thing that could happen, so Mon quickly glanced at the growing crowd and asked them pleadingly to give them space

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