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Author notes:

First of all, guys, sorry it seems that I kept on writing Mon's academic pursuit as Ph.D when it is intended to be a DBA
(Doctor of Business Administration)
So, just please pretend that that was what I meant since the beginning since I don't have the time yet to make the changes necessary.

As per research, the fastest DBA could be anywhere between 1-2 years

Mon's DBA has been fast tracked because she has a cheat called her wife, helping her every step of the way

DBA's research focus and training are designed to create experts in evidence-based business problem-solving.
They use theories and processes to solve complex, real-world business problems, and this is where having Sam was so impacted.

A. Sam is a genius
B. Sam also has a DBA and has extensive knowledge and ideas about the business world and was very eager to give insights to her wife even without prompting (she was bored from being banned from working)
C. Sam is a well-known and accomplished businesswoman and leader. Her opinion is highly sought after and valued
D. Sam has a multi-billion dollar company that faces multiple complex issues on a daily basis
E. Sam has no qualms in slaving away her staff and employees to compile data and resources for her wife

So while they were traveling and having tens, if not, hundreds of people were crying for the unjust overtime being forced to them so that they could help Mon with gathering data and compiling reports

This, of course, is done without the knowledge of Mon

Mon was hesitant to accept help at first, but what would she do if the data had already been presented before her?
She couldn't just not take it
That would have been foolish.

That my friends is how Mon had the easiest DBA in the existence of the program


M: Love, are you ready to come home?

S: Which home are you referring to? Love?

M: uhm the US for now, but then I'm thinking we should slowly move back to Thailand once we have everything settled

S: Mon, do you think going back to Thailand is a good idea?

M: We really can't keep running away like this, Sam
This trip has been amazing
The past couple of years in the US have been challenging but insightful, and I really loved being open and free, but Sam Thailand is and will always be our home.
Our family is there
Our friends are there
Diversity's main office is also found there Sam
We always knew we had to go home eventually, right?

S: Mon, we could always bring your parents here, you know?
We don't have to go back to Thailand.
We can continue being nomads and travel the world like this.
We have enough money and we own a plane.
Don't you think it's nice being carefree like this, Mon?

M: Sam, seeing you happy and free like this was all I ever wanted.

S: Then leave all your worries behind Mon
We can stay like this as much as you want.
I don't want to risk anything by going back to Thailand.

M: Love, look at me
You know we have to
We will never really truly be free unless we tackle and solve this issue.
We had left too much baggage in Thailand Sam.
We left and dumped everything on everyone, and they don't deserve that
We have to come back and clean up the mess that we made

S: But Mon, what if...

M: Sam, we have already thought about the what ifs, right?

(Sam was hesitant to agree but slowly nodded her head
Complex emotions showing in her big doe eyes)

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