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Night had fallen over the city of Berk once more, while the daily life of the citizens slowed down, finally free of the hustle and bustle of the daytime. Masses of people traveled down the streets in their preferred mode of transportations, heading towards their destinations, let it be their home where they can take a break, or some cafe or restaurant where they will meet up with someone, or some other recreational activities.

The city kept going, never stopping for anyone. But even amongst the slow crawl of city life, even amongst the quiet lives of the citizens, an unspoken message, a rule, was engraved.

The night didn't belong to them.

For ages the night, the darkness it brought had allowed many criminals and villains to project their powers on the common folk. Night was their ally at spreading their blood drenched claws of terror further and further. But now, it is different. The night was different.

The night has now taken the side of a new entity, the darkness now its weapon. And it was only a matter of time before the night brought down its wrath on a new victim.


At Hamish port, one of the ports along the coastline of the city of Berk, a level of activity was going on. Many people worked in tandem, moving big crates around as they set up a scene.

Two men struggled as they almost dropped a crate.

"What're you two doing!?" Someone barked at them.

They turned towards the direction of the voice, and saw a man approaching them.

He was dressed in full black clothing, consisting of a combat uniform with exposed arms, bullet resistant vest, and a utility belt. He has a dark skin tone, short crew cut black hair and a french beard. His brown eyes were contorted into a frown and a scar ran down his right eye.

This man, he was none other than the infamous mercenary,.... Krogan.

"Come on! Move it faster! Quick, quick!" Krogan ordered the workers.

The men scrambled back to do their job and carried the crate to its destination. Krogan watched over everything that was going on. Many of these workers were setting up a scene at the port. A scene of a drug deal was being created to lure in their target, the Nightfury.

Several more of his men, dressed similar to him, were checking their equipment and scouting out best positions to set up an ambush.

In a short while, the scene was set up, and so was their ambush. He and his men had taken their position in several buildings watching over the area where they had set up their scene. It was now a game of patience as they waited for their target.

In one of the buildings, two mercenaries had taken position, armed with M4A1 carbines. They were checking up on their weapons, running some last minute checks.

"This will be some easy money." One of them said,

"Why? Don't you know we're here for the Nightfury?" The other asked.

"You fool, Nightfury is fake! It's a myth, a story made up by the bigshots to cover up their dirty works. You really think just one man alone can take out entire gangs in the span of one night?" the first one argued.

"Turk said he once saw the Nightfury." his companion retaliated

"Turk says a lot of things. Not all of them are true." He replied, as he started to walk towards a spot to look over the area,"Some other gang will probably turn up here any moment now to cash in on those crates and they'd put the blame on Nightfury if they succeed. Nothing we haven't dealt with before, aigh?"

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